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I feed my baby hypo blood red in the deli cup Rich shipped her in. I was feeding her one large and one small pinky tonight, and she latched onto the first one while most of her was still in my hand, rather than the cup. (Hungry girl!) So I held her until she was done with that one, then edged her into the cup. I waited until she was completely in and then put the lid on. As soon as it snapped on, she started writhing around and I realized that she was not, in fact, completely in... I had shut the very tip of her tail into the lid of the deli cup. :(

I got the lid off, made sure she was fully inside the cup, and then put the lid back on. She looked pissed off for a little while, searching for an escape from the cup. Then she started to eat the second pink. So, my question is, do you think she might have had a real injury to the tail tip from this, or was it just an ouchy? The skin is not broken, btw. I'm probably just being paranoid; I hate hurting my babies in any way.

Thanks, and sorry for the length of the post.
I've done that too.:eek: So far no one has suffered an injury, just mad!! Fortunatly they don't hold a grudge;)

I would say from your description that she will be fine.
I would think that she is going to be fine. She might be a bit mad.....but then after having a second meal on the same day, she might have calmed down.....lol....since food = happyness.....

if you are really worried about the tail, just keep a close eye on to it...but it shouldn't really be a problem....

Good Luck and Happy Herping~
I have never closed the lid on my snakes, but one time when feeding I put them in their containers and when I put the mice in (they were adult mice, f/t) I closed the lid on the tip of the tail. I didn't realize it until the snake started getting to the tail and had to go off the bottom of the container.
The snake was trying to eat and it was just lifting the snake up rather then pulling the tail down. It was pretty funny looking. So I just opened the lid again and let the tail fall in.

I don't think the mouse really cared ;) or the snake for that matter.

As already mentioned, just about all of us have done that at one time or another. I did have one problem with one hatchling...her tail did get broken, but it wasn't from a deli cup lid...she was old enough to be in a small tupperware shoebox. The broken tail tip didn't prevent her from breeding or anything, but did pose a problem when shedding...I had to help her remove the shed skin from the tip each time because the kink caused a problem.