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Opinions Needed - Classic or Not?


New member
I have been trying for years now to get an accurate account of this snake to put an end to my curiosity regarding her.
Is she a classic?, or is there possibly something else involved here?
What puts me off is the Orange Wash which gets darker and more prevelant as it progresses toward the tail.
Now, I know of Classics that have the orange bleed or wash onto the belly, but, Would a Classic show so much washing of colour?

Upper Body



The borders may not be spectacular, but for sheer color intensity, I would be willing to call that an okeetee.
Thank You Megan

Those colours are exactly as she looks in the flesh, no enhancements etc. done.
I do actually refer to her as an Okeetee, because that is the closest resemblance she has.
Can the wash maybe, be a Morph indicator of some sort?

Lets get some more viewpoints on this one.
I agree she looks more Okeetee than Classic to me.
As far as the orange wash, I have a Classic male that has a orange wash on part of his belly & he might be het Hypo. IDK if that has anything to do with it or not.
When I saw the pic of your snake, I thought maybe Hypo Okeetee, but I'm still learning the morphs, so I could be totally wrong. LOL
Does anyone else think it looks like it has a bit of that clear area down the center of the belly that indicates het bloodred? I'm definitely no expert, so I could be completely wrong.

On another note, that's one big snake!
In theory it is only an Okeetee if it comes from the Okeetee Hunt Club in South Carolina, but that rule has been stretched a lot. I would call it a 'classic" corn that looks like an Okeetee. A very nice looking snake!
Dick, there's two acknowledged types of okeetee: Locality, and line. The snake in the OPs post is probably of the line type. Otherwise, it is referred to a Hunt Club Okeetee, or a Locality Okeetee.
The orange wash is actually a classic trait I think. I have two hatchlings hatched just last week that were born with it. Will try to get photos. Of course their mother had it too.
I have an interesting theory on this one.

My classic has the orange coloring like yours does on the stomach, as well as thin borders. The father of my girl was an Anery Motley, but the mother was a line Okeetee.

Perhaps that is a classic with an Okeetee parent?
That is an interesting theory especially since the mother of my brood's heritage is unknown. She was a pinstripe motley het stripe. I would say maybe it has to do with being het motley but my Amel is slowly having orange bleed into the belly on his lower half. He is the father of my classics with the orange bellies.
The het for motley idea is interesting, as Willow is also het motley. However, Motley usually erases the belly pattern, so I dont know why being het motley would add color.

Its a fun mystery at any rate. Too bad both of our snakes are female. That would have been an interesting project.
I'm interested in the orange wash discussion. My Classic starts with white then gets washed out orange. I was told a long time ago, that's normal for them. I dont know any of her hets, though I'll have somewhat of an idea after her eggs hatch, from daddy butter motley also with unknown hets.
I have a Classic male that is likely het for Hypo, & he has the orange wash on the
lower half of his belly.

I'm interested in thi theory as well.
In theory it is only an Okeetee if it comes from the Okeetee Hunt Club in South Carolina, but that rule has been stretched a lot. I would call it a 'classic" corn that looks like an Okeetee. A very nice looking snake!

Exactly, if its not from the Hunt club its a Lookatee.. Its not a theroy, its some the pureists take very serious.. Not a debate I would open my trap for...

Dick, there's two acknowledged types of okeetee: Locality, and line. The snake in the OPs post is probably of the line type. Otherwise, it is referred to a Hunt Club Okeetee, or a Locality Okeetee.

Wow, I don't think thats a debate you wanna take up with the Real Okeetee lovers..
Exactly, if its not from the Hunt club its a Lookatee.. Its not a theroy, its some the pureists take very serious.. Not a debate I would open my trap for...

Wow, I don't think thats a debate you wanna take up with the Real Okeetee lovers..

On that note, is there a different name for Miami's that are not actually of Miami locale bloodlines? (Just curious) :)
I've not heard of anyone calling a Miami anything but a Miami...even if it's not from there. What do you call it...Lookatee is convenient but "Fake Miami"...doesn't have that ring! As a breeder of Locality Okeetees that were direct from the Okeetee Hunt Club lines, I do object to people calling something an Okeetee when it's not. It looks like one, but even that is subject to opinion. I had 3 locality animals and only one looked like what people would call a classic Okeetee. The other 2 did not have huge borders. Nonetheless, if you bought them from me, you got the real thing. They are still nothing more than normals with some traits that you can find in other cornsnakes that aren't from there. Just like you can drink what tastes like Champagne, it ain't the real stuff unless it comes from Champagne France. It's just a sparkling wine.....
Ok, I take it she is a Classic. What would I need to prove out Okeetee, obviously an Okeetee male. I do not knbow if she is carrying any hets. Maybe I need to get something with Blood in it to try and prove the Blood marker theory as well.

Someone said she is a big snake, she was bigger, I have had her on a strict diet for the last 10 months and have managed to drop her weight by a whole 102 grams. The theory was that she had not bred for me for the last 3 seasons because she was overweight.

I personally think that she is now looking good for breeding this season which comes up in about 3 months time. I hope to get another 2 or 3 grams weight off her by then.
You can't prove Okeetee by breeding trials. If you go by the idea that only snakes from the locality are Okeetee, then there's nothing visually that's going to indicate to you one way or the other from the babies. If you accept that they are a certain look achieved by line-breeding, adding in a Lookeetee will probably widen the borders of the babies, but doesn't prove yours is a Lookeetee.