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Opinions please. Worried.


Came home tonight to this. 9 month old corn. just over two feet long. Snake was fed 5 days ago. Two Fuzzies. One normal size she has taken for about five weeks. One a little larger than normal. She has taken two fuzzies for the last three weeks. Seems like a regurgitation but she still has some in her stomach. Your thoughts appreciated.

edit:sorry having trouble attaching decent pics.
sorry having no luck with the attachments. too high resolution.
ill try again in the morning.

Im convinced its a regurge as there is definately the hind quarters of a mouse present. But its been five days since she was fed and she seems fine. And still has some more mouse in her belly. Seems strange to me.
little confused, but hope to help

im a little confused about the way you've worded your question.. although i think what you're saying is that you've been feeding your snake two fuzzies at a time for the last five weeks and now you have a suspected partial regurg? If the problem is regurg., then i'd suggest checking your snakes viv's. temp. to make sure it hasn't changed in the last five weeks. Make sure your snake has water available to it after it eats in case it needs a push to get it all the way down. Don't handle your snake for up to a day after it's eaten to avoid upsetting it's stomach. And just keep an eye on your animal for the next couple days.. if its fine, like you say it has been; don't even worry about it. Everyones snake barfs sometime or another.. Sometimes for seemingly no reason at all.. As far as only barfing up part of something goes.. I can't help explain that one.. Hope that helps.. hah, and i hope that's what you were asking.. Cheers.. Ty..
Yeah thats exactly what I was asking. I had just arrived home from teh pub when I posted last night. That should tell you why my wording was less than coherant :)

Ive checked everything and concluded that the meal was simply too large. Back to smaller fuzzies for her for a while, and probably only one at a time too.

Ive sorted the pictures. Anyone got a thermometer I can have ;)


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wot a nice photo soz i cant help..... u have him a bath? if he needs to poop and get the rest of the mouse outta the system that will do it for u
That's definately a gurge. I have seen a snake gurge something a few days after eating that looked just like that... I bet it smelled great :). I actually saw the snake gurge it out, so I am sure.

the pub will do that to you my friend.. it certainly will.. maybe your snake wasn't the only one barfing that morning than eh? Sorry about your thermo. though... yeash.. you might want to get a digital with a remote probe..(just a cord attached to a sensor). they have two readings on them too. that way you can monitor both sides of the enclosure or your snake room if you have one.. put the probe in on one end and set the base on the top of the other.. don't give your snake anymore hardware to yack on mate. it'll only bring you grief.. best of luck.. Ty..
Heh, no barfing for me. The missus joined in though, bless her.

That thermometer has an external probe Mr Picklestick. I use it in just the fashion you described. Im waiting for a new 3 foot by 2 foot viv at the moment that will have all the hardware safely tucked away! Ill probably get another thermometer the same and use the external probes on the floor and mount the bodies securely on the back wall.

This thermometer is working again actually. I dried it out and it seems fine, although i double check the temps with an IR thermometer also.

The reason I was a little worried is this regurge was after 5 days, which is a long time after eating to sick up a pretty intact hind quarters like that.
snakes and pubs

again, if it wasn't for the digital thermo.. I'd say it's deffinetly temp related.. think about it.. she didn't digest the food.. it stayed intact in her for five days (not much could have been going on in there), she regurged.. other than something toxic the mouse may have ingested (god forbid), i can't think of where else to point the finger.. take care of your snake and the missus.. best of luck.. Ty..
I am thinking along you lines of the mouse simply being that bit too big (and perhaps 'rich'). Although I have never had a snake that's regurged quite like yours I have noticed that Noodle had a partial regurge when I upped her mice size. Temps were fine, and she was ok health/behaviour wise so I put it down to the change in diet.
How long have you been feeding two meal items? Occassionally, one item will get digested but the other is expelled.

Just a thought. :)
Thanks for the further replies guys.

I cant really see it being temperatures, although you are right in that it does seem a likely explanation. I check the temps at least twice a day and I am very careful that she has as much as a gradient as possible in the small plastic cage she is in. Cold end is alway 20-21 and the hot end varies between 29 and 31 (33 the highest its ever got, only ever this hot for a very short period of time). Im currently using a heat mat with a matstat and it cant keep a constant temp due to the cool down and heat up times. For this reason I will be using a pulse-stat and heatmat / IR heater combo in the new viv.

The meal being too big seems more and more likely as she has digested the larger mouse (which she ate first) and chucked up most of the second smaller mouse (well as far as I can tell form that sticky mess anyway. Quite an interesting consistency, like cooling butter-scotch!)

Thanks again all for the suggestions, I will defo restrict her to single smaller items for a while and wont be feeding her until the weekend (at the earliest) in any case.