Just got back. Sorry no pictures, didn't see anything I felt worthy of taking a picture of. It should have been called Ball'icon. If you frequent Fauna's classifieds and click the new posts button, look at the number of Ball Python ads, and then look at the number of Boas, and the misc others. That will give you a good idea of what was at the show.
The few colubrids there were the run of the mill for the most part. If you were looking for anything semi recent (sunkissed, strawberry, cinder, tess etc.) you were out of luck. I picked up some frozen mice, paid my herp society dues, and picked up my Coral Snow I had bought a little while ago. My daughter had a blast, oddly enough, one of her favorites was a 5' AT Boa that tried to eat her face after peeking in the side of the tub it was in. She also liked the Bearded morphs, the Chameleons, and ugh - the Pied BPs. The Cham's topped her list though, so come Feb. show, I may have to become a lizard owner. They are pretty cool.
Overall, still a nice trip for picking up feeders and supplies and such, but its the same as it was 10 years ago when I last went. If you have discriminating tastes, Daytona is usually the only place you can shop to fill them. In person anyway.