Ornate flying snakes - Chrysopelia ornata
I like them a lot - But its virtually IMPOSSIBLE to find anything other than WC, and I just wouldnt advise wasting money on any WC animal, nevermind flying snakes.
And of course these snakes are rear fanged meaning they are mildly venemous. From talking to people I know in the UK that keep these snakes you need a good supply of house geckos to even consider getting them feeding, nevermind switching them to rodents.
Ornata are also the largest variant in the genus - ranging from 3-4ft so a large enclosure would be needed.
They come from the likes of Singapore and the Philippines and are not endanged, even with the amount of WC animals coming in however they do not tame well and do poorly in captivity. You can get them cheap, but thats for a reason
If you wanted to PM me I could give you a bit of info on a similar snakes from a non related genus however they are considered cousins (Philodryas Baroni). They too are rear fanged, stricly arboreal, not very common in collections and have somewhat similar gliding capabilities. Ours are CB though so a milestones difference to what a WC ornata or baroni would be like.
I have been told they are very reluctant to be agressive, although a bite will cause some major swelling and soreness. No accounts of death are recorded (yet). Same with the Baroni.
Sorry I cannot offer more info :shrugs: