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out of curiousity...


New member
Within the last few months, my addiction to corn snakes have grown, and i've been to think about breeding, not soon, but in a year or two when i've done more research and can set up an incubator etc. And while i'm just learning about genetics and phases and all...i was just kind of curious as to what kind of offspring i would get if i bred an okeetee to a charcoal? It's not a project i started...i just happen to have a male okeetee and female charcoal...so would they make anything? or just bring out het babies? If not, what would be interesting/fun to breed with a charcoal female?
Hi there,

You would get normals or perhaps Okeetee phases (normals that LOOK like Okeetees but cannot be called true Okeetees) that are het (or carrying) Charcoal.

Best of luck with your breeding plans! Do you know if your female charcoal has any hets?
Make sure you do the necessary research before you take the leap of breeding. If you decide to breed, get ya' a female Okeetee to produce more beautiful Okeetees. If you got a male Amel, you could pair him up with your charcoal to produce normals het amel & charcoal... pairing those offspring would result in normals, charcoals, amels, & blizzards! Just an idea. As far as okeeteexcharcoal, technically would produce 'normals' het charcoal, but those 'normals' will resemble okeetees.
An Okeetee is a selectively bred normal (I'm not going into locality, just looks). Breeding it to anything other than another Okeetee (or a Reverse Okeetee) will greatly decrease the chance of reproducing the look in the offspring. Therefore, pairing your Okeetee with your charcoal will produce all normals het charcoal. Determining what genes you would want to mix with your charcoal female really depends upon what you would like to eventually produce. Pairing her up with something that also carries charcoal is your best bet, but you can add many other genes into the mix, like hypo and motley to be able to produce phantom motleys in the F2. The choices are wide and varied...and all yours!
haha, i definately have so much more research to do before attempting any kind of breeding...and probably a year or two before i even try.

I'm not sure i have any real intentions with breeding...i'm not looking to make money or anything...I'd just like to enjoy the experience and learn a lot from it. I imagine i'd only do it once...because i'd probably give all the babies away to close friends...and if i continued to breed, i've have no idea what to do with so many offspring. I'd probably also just get a few more snakes, and pair up my favorites, lol. There are definately some more morphs i'm interested in getting...and i'd probably definately breed my okeetee since i think it's my favorite morph. But i wouldn't mind a lavender, blizzard, amel, and various motley's in the mix. But i guess i'm getting too ahead of myself :sidestep: