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Overcoming ignorant fear


Dreamin' of Charleston
At work everyone knows I own snakes. Naturally, most are repulsed and ask me questions like "What do you do with a snake?" or "How can you sleep at night with those things in your house?" Occasionally someone will go beyond their suppositions and become curious about my hobby. This happened last week when one of my coworkers told me that she had told her six year old boy about my snakes and that since then he was bugging her constantly to see them. She admitted to being terrified of snakes but did ask me to bring them over to appease her son. So I pull up to the house and see the silhouette of a little boy in the window suddenly run for the door. I walked inside with my okeetee, lavender, and pastel ball. I could see the fear in her eyes and her son's overwhelming enthusiasm busting out all over. He immediately asked if he could hold one and was elated when I placed the okeetee in his hands. Meanwhile his mother kept eyeing the lavender and quietly asked if she could touch it. Once she did this she decided to take the plunge and actually hold the 18 inch monster. She was a little skittish at first (the mother) but I could see relief wash over her after a few minutes as she realized she was not going to be eaten. Then she began talking in a baby voice, calling the lavender by name, commenting on her "big little" eyes and saying how pretty she was. Needless to say I was very happy that she overcame her fear and I believe she mentioned even wanting one. I hope that one day the general public can push through its ignorance and gain a better appreciation of not only snakes but all of nature. Chris
Great story, thanks for sharing.

Sometimes all it takes is a gentle push in the right direction for people to realize their fears are irrational and unwarranted.
That's a great story. Two more people in the world who won't bring harm to snakes because of their encounter with your's.

My friend at work has a teenage son who came home with a baby amel one day and she was horrified. I told her all about corns and how it was completely harmless, but it still creeped her out because it's a jumpy little baby. One day she was joking about going on vacation and doing things she'd normally never do...like hold a boa. I said "hey! I just got a boa! You can do that!" I think she thought I was kidding when I said I'd bring him in, but I did later that day. He's just a baby, but was scared at first, then she commented on how soft he was and how pretty his is. Finally, she agreed to have her picture taken holding him. She put her hands way out and I put him in them. She was shaking a little and instructed my boyfriend to hurry up and take the picture before something happens. But then Isahn just sat there calmly and sniffed her hand. She brought her hands down to look at him closer, and soon she realized the picture was taken and she hadn't thrown him back at me :)

I love when I can get people over their fear. I know someday, if she sees a wild snake, she'll think of my annoying ranting and maybe not kill it :)
Thats a nice story too.

I can't really help people around here get over their fear (who listens to a 14 year old.) So instead I give my phone number to everyone I meet that lives around here. Then I said if you ever see a snake, either leave it alone and it won't bother you or if your really freaked call me.

Hope it works.
I have always been scared of snakes but now I own one.

I have always been scared of snakes, ever since I could remember. My first encounter of a snake was when I was 6 years old and my dad found a little garden snake hatchling in the bushes and forced it into my face. I was petrified. I never really got over my fear of snakes because all throughout my life they have been known as lethal killers and predators.

Well, just recently, I found out that my buddy is into snakes. He infact works at a petstore after his normal workday because he loves snakes so much. I told him I was scared of them and he told me to come down after work and he'd let me hold one. I held a baby Corn snake and after that experience I fell in love with the animal. I fell so hard, I bought a set up for a snake and purchased that very same Corn that I held that day.

She has been nothing but sweet and trusting. Its like we've bonded on a level that you couldn't with anything else. She comes out of her hide when she wants attention and I jump at the chance now. I love to be around her and mostly, I love to hold her.

She loves to listen to Alice Cooper when she feeds and when its time to go to bed, I put on some Pink Floyd for her. Its an amazing relationship, and I thank my friend for introducing me into her world.


US Army
Fort Riley, KS
Wayne, isn't it amazing that you can have a relationship like that with a snake? I like all my snakes, really a lot, but Choco- he's like my other boyfriend! I love him! He gets a thousand times more attention than anyone else, and he deserves it! He _begs_ to come out, and I instantly go get him! I _miss_ him when he is digesting or blue. He is _so_ cool.

I feel the same way. I haven't been able to interact with Demeter for two days now because she fed on a pinkie. She was out for a little while to catch some heat, but she had her "leave me alone" posture up, so I had to just sit tight. But tomorrow we get to play again! I love her so much. :)