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Painful newbie questions


New member
Bear with me im sure you all answer these a million times, and i did run a search but couldn't find anything with all these variables.

I purchased a hatchling monday. She was getting ready to shed and she was new so in order not to stress her out i didn't offer food on wednesday (which is when i was told she was due for a meal).

She shed today and has been here 5 days. Should i wait until next wednesday to feed her or offer it sooner?

Also it seems like most people feed their hatchlings every 5 days or so. Her breeder fed her once a week. Should i continue once a week b/c thats what shes used to or feed her more often?
i usually wait about a week to feed a new acquisition to allow them time to settle in. You don't have to wait until next wednesday though. I'd probably feed tomorrow or saturday. Every 5 to 7 days is fine for hatchlings. I usually feed my snakes that are on pinks and fuzzies every 5 to 6 days depending on my own schedule.
I wait a week or so. No longer, but not much shorter, either. Then I feed at a five day interval up till the snake is 200G or on adults. But during the baby stage I don't feel terrible if I stretch it out to six days every once in a while, and I don't feel terrible if they skip a meal in blue, either.
Breeders often feed babies every 7 days because they usually have more snakes to feed than people keeping them as pets. I think every 5 days is a good schedule. I'd think your snake would eat two days after shedding - it would be in your possession for a week and that's long enough for it to feel comfortable enough to eat.

Nagini33, don't feel bad about being a newbie and asking what you think are painful questions. These people are extraordinary and I have watched as they all go out of their way to help newbies like us in any way the possibly can. I'm learning along with you and I couldn't be happier with all the information cornsnakes.com provides. My Spike is about 4 months old and we are feeding every 5 days- he is just about to move up to fuzzies. He is in deep blue today and was fed 2 pinkies on Tuesday. Best of luck to you!
if you want to see a good feeding plan written down you can look at the munson plan. its awesome if you have a scale to weigh your snake. but you can also kind of judge by prey size and say ok, feeding in this interval of days is a good idea. so it helps in 2 ways.


i say you could feed after shed a day or 2. and its good you didnt feed in blue, it could cause a regurge so good on you for that part. dont be ashamed to ask questions on here. were all here to help.
if you want to see a good feeding plan written down you can look at the munson plan. its awesome if you have a scale to weigh your snake. but you can also kind of judge by prey size and say ok, feeding in this interval of days is a good idea. so it helps in 2 ways.


i say you could feed after shed a day or 2. and its good you didnt feed in blue, it could cause a regurge so good on you for that part. dont be ashamed to ask questions on here. were all here to help.

Yeah corn snakes are a whole new ball game to me, but snakes in general aren't. I bred garter snakes for a while, but now that I'm in the process of moving to a small apartment i way downsized. Problem is that created way too many empty tanks, which is why i ended up with the little corn.

Garters are so easy. When i get a new one i throw some feeder guppies in its water bowl and wait. Once it starts eating those i put it on a schedule with worms, once its eating on a schedule i switch to scented pinkies. Very rarely i'll have one who goes on a hunger strike but putting them in a bucket with some flopping guppies (no water) usually drives them NUTS.

I'll admitt im a little nervous about feeding her. Nervous isn't a good word...apprehensive maybe? Once she eats once or twice for me I'll feel much much better.
To Nagini33: If the snake was eating for the breeder, in all likelihood it will eat for you.
I've bred both garters and corns, and I can tell you corns are way easier (and less work).
Here are some Santa Cruz Garters that were born here in the Summer:

To themichaelchoi: Those are striped ghosts. Here's a pic of their mother:
Very very pretty garters!!

She didn't eat the pink when i had it in my tongs so i dropped it in her feed box, shut the lid, and covered the whole thing with a towel. I'll check again before i go to bed.

My eastern garter is on a hunger strike as well, i think he may be trying to go into brumation. I wasn't planning on brumating him this year though...
I think nearly all of my corns would think I had gone insane if I tried to feed them with tongs! Especially the little babies. I like to just put them in their deli cups and leave them alone.