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papertowel/ newspaper substrate-suggestions?


New member
just a thought...
I hear a lot that newspaper or papertowel is one of the best substrates you can use, but I have had a hard time using it successfully with my snakes. I have two adults and two juveniles, and since i got them, they all have always liked digging.
My problem is they spend all their time under the ppr. towel, so i end up having to clean the bottom of the viv all the time...

I currently am still trying to find a sub. that me and the snakes like... any suggestions?
I want something that doesn't look tacky, but i'm also concerned with economics (if it's cheap);)

We use aspen bedding in our vivs for our snakes. One compressed bag (it says 1250 cubic inches) lasts about 6 months for our 3 snakes. Our 3 snakes enjoy digging in it and when they leave their "gifts" its easy to clean.
Yep, Aspen that is what I use for my snakes too. It looks good and smells nice also.:D
I have the same problem, my corns love burrowing. So I use papertowel, with shredded paper from my papershredder ontop of the toweling.

No better thing to do with junk mail than shred it and let my corns poo on it :) (Plus it's free and easy to clean)
Yeah- aspen is the one I was thinking of trying next- the problem is that no pet stores near me carry it- I'm in Sacramento, CA area and the closest place that i know of that carries it is Berkley. (A few hours away). Does anyone know of a mail- order place that carries it? (or any other ideas?)

Thanks- Ammie
I guess I am spoiled. There is a farm/feed store near me that sells it in a 3 cu. ft. (5184 cu in.) bales. They carry both aspen chips and shredded aspen. I use it for mice bedding, because I prefer paper towels and/or newspaper for the snakes. One of these will last you a long time.

I expect that there are farm supply/feed stores in your community that sell this stuff. Try something like a TSC (Tractor Supply Company) store or other farm store. I think I have seen it in these stores.
thanks for the suggestion- i hadn't thought of ranch or feed stores- there are some relatively close to me that i will check out.

There are several places online you can order either shredded aspen or aspen chips (called sani chips or habi chips). I found them by doing a google search for reptile supplies or looking for them on kingsnake.com. The one i got them from was aaa reptile supply, i got sani chips. My two hatchlings love burrowing and hiding, so far it smells really nice and their little poops clump very easily. It also looks really nice!

FWIW, I've been testing some different combinations of substrates. I like the ease (and price) of paper, but hate the smell that "arrives" within 3-5 days of feeding. I love Repti-Bark and aspen for odor control, but pick cleaning 60+ tub/week is a task that gets old!

Recently, I started lining the tubs with newspaper, covered by a thin layer of aspen. During cleaning, I just toss it all. This seems to be working well.......so far.
Aspen is just as annoying as paper when it comes to poop. Snakes love to dig through aspen and they'll poop under it, in it but rarely on top of it. This makes it very hard to find and the stuff is usually stuck to the side or bottom of the viv (in my experience).