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Part of the Collection


Herpetologists' offspring
Much to my excitement, I got to go home last week! I tried to take as many pictures as possible of my snakes, but the little buggers hate sitting still. Regardless, I did get a few shots!

Neo - July 2008 Classic (60.15 g)

Atticus - July 2008 Classic (27.85 g)

Charlie - July 2008 Classic (87.29 g)

Chief - July 2008 Classic (72.79 g)

Letzte - July 2008 Classic (48.85 g)

Louise - Summer 2009 Stripe (15.54 g)

Diego - Summer 2009 Ghost Stripe (17.98 g)

2009 Abbott's Okeetee

2009 Hypo Bloodred

Well, this is all I have for now. Not as much as I wanted, but life goes on. Keeping updated pictures of these guys is a real project.

Thanks for looking!
I'd love to have some of your photos on my wall!
Congrats for both the snakes and the pics!
I absolutely love the diversity of all of your different classics! And photography style is very professional. :] Thanks for sharing and it's great to see a bunch of your slithery critters!!!!
Some very beautiful Classics! Great looking group you have there and you have skills with that camera!

Thank you for sharing!
Cool seeing the color variation in your classics. Your Abbott's looks pretty dark. Is that a good portrayal of the actual color?
Again, thanks everyone. :)

Your Abbott's looks pretty dark. Is that a good portrayal of the actual color?

Yeah, he's pretty dark - a very rich orange color. The female (whose picture can be seen here: http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93044) is much lighter at the moment, with an almost tan background. I try to make it so that all of my pictures have very accurate colors, but usually it gets a bit screwy in the translation from real life to digital photograph. I hope that helps a bit!