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Pastel Motley Corn Snake

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
From my 2005 SerpenCo.com website.

Pastel Motley Corn Snake

Although these have been around for a long while, this cultivar seems to cause a lot of confusion for some people

In a nutshell, this is a Ghost Motley. In other words, triple homozygous for 'A' Anerythrism, 'A' Hypomelanism, and Motley. I think the term "Pastel" throws a lot of people, and perhaps with good reason. Some of the Pastel Motleys are definitely a cut above the rest of them. Some will have these gorgeous pastel pink blotches on them that looks nothing at all like what you would think a "Ghost Motley" should look like.

The problem is, not all will turn out looking like that, nor is it predictable (at least to me) which babies will color up more then the other ones. So far, it appears that this pinkish coloration is limited to males only, but I wouldn't really want to take an wagers on it remaining so.

My original animals came from Mark Bell, and at that time, my questions about the actual ancestry did not produce any satisfactory answers. Not through any fault of Mark, since I believe he just did not recall. So where the actual original source of this line came from is still rather a mystery. And if I recall correctly, the original Pastel Motley adults I saw of Mark Bell's were notable because of their very high contrast and nearly white background color. So no, I really don't know where this pink colored variety came from at all, nor how widespread it is in all of the rest of the lines available.

One other source of confusion is that some of these can have a kind of lavender hue to them as babies, and some people will readily confuse them as being Lavender Motleys. It normally takes seeing both side by side to be able to tell the difference, but with not that many Lavender Motleys yet out in the marketplace, not too many people have the opportunity to be able to do that.

Anyway, I don't produce very many of these. My original stock of Pastel Motleys were a real pain in the butt to deal with, so I got rid of most of them. Got LOTS of babies, but nearly ALL males and most would not feed readily. I think I have the feeding problems licked, but the sex ratio still seems skewed towards males, for some reason.