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Peppermint prayers - Clutch hatched!


New member
Meant to post this sooner but have been soooooo busy!

This is the result of a double clutch (second clutch) from the pairing of a Miami 100% het Amel, Cinder x Miami 100% het Amel, Cinder.
I only got one baby (a beautiful male Miami 66% het Amel, Cinder), out of the first clutch, so had a lot of anticipation for this second clutch ... with hopes of getting some Cinders and, ... most especially, Peppermints!

On the 18th, pipping started with these two!


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Of course, eventually, there were more noses poking out but I did not take any photos since I was very busy doing some evening chores and prepping for my trip to the lake, the next day, for some jet skiing, swimming, & much needed relaxation.
On the night of the 19th, upon returning from my lake trip, I found this (all babies, except for one, had left their eggs):


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In the group, almost all were Miamis (66% het Amel, Cinder) but there was also an Amel (66% het Cinder) and ... a Cinder (66% het Amel)!:)
At this point, I am very happy, with the babies, and thrilled to have at least one Cinder, ... though disappointed that I did not, yet, have a single Peppermint.
I was pretty much giving up hope, on getting a Peppermint, since there was only one egg left.

Later, from the remaining egg, I found this little nose (pic below). Another cute Miami.
This, of course, truly dashed any remaining hope for a Peppermint.


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BUT WAIT!! ... I decided to remove some empty eggs, while the single pip rested in its egg, and ... Lo & Behold ... I found a covered egg that was slit! I thought there were only 10 eggs, total, in the clutch (expecting one to go bad - which it did = 9 good eggs), and the 9 expected babies were accounted for... so, this was an 11th egg (or 10th good egg) that I was not aware of! With that, plus the freshness of "ooze", it meant that there ~had~ to be a baby in it (though it was not showing itself). Since there was, already, a couple of slits... I slit/cut the egg a little more and ... could not believe my eyes when I saw what, suddenly, popped its head out!
A Peppermint!!! :dancer:


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The Peppermint was the last to leave its egg (on the 20th) and happens to be the runt of the clutch. She is only 4 grams but is, otherwise, perfect/healthy.:)
I am soooo excited about getting this Peppermint! Truly hope she eats when the time comes.

The following are photos of each of the babies. Most photos were taken while I was transferring the babies, to their delis, after weight check, etc. #9 (Miami) & #10 (Peppermint) had their photos taken prior to transferring them.

These photos are in order from #1 thru #5:


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These photos are in order from #6 thru #10:


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Congratulations! Why the best hatchlings wait to be the last ones to hatch is beyond me. Maybe because the joy and excitement of finally seeing that one hatchling after being slightly disappointed in what was in all the prior eggs makes it even more special.
Congrats! That is a very exciting story. You told it well.

Thank you.:)

Congratulations! Why the best hatchlings wait to be the last ones to hatch is beyond me. Maybe because the joy and excitement of finally seeing that one hatchling after being slightly disappointed in what was in all the prior eggs makes it even more special.

LOL Yep, it really does seem that the best (&/or most anticipated) do tend to like waiting to be last... and does make it more special, too, when that li'l surprise pops up after you have pretty much decided that it wouldn't happen.:D
Yay Deb! I am thrilled for you. Especially since my miami het amel cinder clutch snakes are kinda like cousins... I'm glad you got a peppermint too! Mine's been a slow starter but is coming around, finally.
Thanks Jen! I am so happy!:)
It really is great that you & I got at least one Peppermint from our similar (and "cousin") clutches!
Would have loved to have gotten one or two more but ... am thrilled, none the less, and consider myself very fortunate to have the one (esp. since I thought I had none LoL).

Also, it is fantastic news to hear that your Pep is coming around with feeding!:cheers:
Hope to see some updated pics, of your Pep, relatively soon.:)
Beautiful babies, Deb! And HYOOGE congrats on getting just what you wanted! I was blessed that way a couple of times this year. It's an amazing feeling!! I'm so happy for you.