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All snakes have personalities, believe it or not!
What is your snakes? I'll describe once I get an idea of what I'm going to say :)
I believe they do. My two males are pretty mellow and just love to hang out with me. cameron how ever is the devil in a snake skin lol. She is the testiest and most high strung snake I have. If you even go near her while she is eating she will rattle her little tail and strike her feeding tub. I have been tagged by her more times then I care to count, though of late she has just been bonking me with her nose, she seems to be getting the hint that she doesn't scare me.
They do indeed have personalities! My amel Yohsong is almost never still, roaming around human "trees" with great aplomb. He'll cruise to the end of the couch and come back to me, reminding me of the way toddlers touch base with an adult while they're exploring. Boz, my snow motley/het stripe is pretty chill. He'll find a comfy spot ands settle down quietly. Chess, a yearling wild-caught likes to twine around fingers and go up a sleeve, from which vantage point he'll turn and look out at the world. He lives in my classroom, and many a student has learned that not all snakes are dangerous thanks to gentle Chess. Artephius, my caramel blood male, is a big puppy dog who likes to make himself into an Egyptian headdress. Tulip, amel stripe, is a shy girl.

I've not done a lot of breeding yet (though I have lots of plans). I'm curious about behavioural similarities or lack thereof in family lines.
My snake is pretty mellow most of the time, but you get the impression that he has a bit of a fight in him. My rat jumped onto the top of his vivarium at one point, and he started trying to strike at her. Obviously the rat was safe...but I found it amusing since he's only 110 grams, and she's a full size rat. Not sure how he was planning on swallowing her :p
Let's see.... My favorite, Fiesta, is always on the move and never relaxes when I hold him. Even in his habitat, he spends more time out and about, exploring, than any of the others.

Rory, my RO, is very skittish and doesn't care to be handled if he can keep from it, although he never bites--he just wants to hide all of the time.

Niamh is a sweetheart, mellow but somewhat active, and not in the least skittish. She's happy to hang out or explore. When out, she prefers exploring to just sitting still.

Ceara, my new baby Sunglow Motley, is at the moment an unknown quantity. I have not handled her except when she first arrived in the mail a couple of days ago, and won't be for some time, yet.

Aedan/Liam (still haven't settled on which name we'll use) likes to hide, and is uneasy about being handled, but not to the same extent that Rory is.

The unnamed baby girl Okeetee is a little spitfire! She tagged Z several times 2 days ago. I don't know if she was just HUNGRY (she'd been unfed for 6 days of settling in time), or if she's going to be a little hateling. Time will tell. Since both she and Ceara are the babies in the house, I expect we'll have to do some uniform and gently handling to get them used to us. As for Rory, I'm not sure. Mostly, I'm just working on fattening him up for now, as he came to us somewhat underweight. Later, I'll work with him more than we are right now. For now, it's just eat, poop, eat, poop, eat, poop :).
Oh my gosh absolutely they do....If I could even start with my different corn snakes. I mean they definitely shift with age as well from the very nippy okeetees and sunkissed to the very mellow lavenders that I have and as I have watched them shift with age. I also have those that bury under the aspen and also the ones that always want to be at the front of their tub, I have tbose that just hang out when held and those that move constantly. Those that hunker in when the tub is pulled and those that say "hey how are you, what's going on". My sunglows are like that, as soon as I pull their tub they come right up to the front as if to say, "Hey how the heck are you and can you get me out of here" Or maybe they are saying "Hey how the heck are you, do you have any food" but I think personally my hondo milksnakes say that. My as a general rule my milks are very very flightly and lest trusting when they are younger. Now my ratsnakes are all very tame but seem to show the "I am a ratsnake" attitude if that means anything. Great topic. Made me think about all of my snakes and how great each and every one is.
I always have to wonder what it is that makes some corn snakes climbers and others burrowers and others swimmers and so on. Ariadne is good at climbing if she needs to do it, but in her viv she just likes to tunnel under the shavings and sleep. She is lazy unless she is out of her enclosure. I try giving her fun things but she just wants more shavings! Whereas the second I hung a vine in my king snake's viv he was going ballistic climbing in it.
Alex, my first snake and a lil amel is very calm. If she is out she has to be looking around or looking for a pocket to hang out in and has never tail rattled or even gotten in the striking pose with me. She is also in the toddler phase and tries getting into everything.

Foamy is a little scaredy cat but he is getting better over time. He has nights where he wants to be out and hanging out with us and other times where he would rather hide. He also loves digging around in the aspen and throwing it everywhere.

Max (ball python) is a people snake who would rather be out hanging around people than be in her viv. If she hears doctor who she comes out to watch but shes also very picky and if her tank isnt at an exact temp she throws a fit.

Bitey (ball python) is a hateling. He got the name for a reason, though he has calmed down a little bit since we got him. He does have this funny habit of opening his mouth before he actually strikes though.
Ceara, my new baby Sunglow Motley, is at the moment an unknown quantity. I have not handled her except when she first arrived in the mail a couple of days ago, and won't be for some time, yet.

Aedan/Liam (still haven't settled on which name we'll use) likes to hide, and is uneasy about being handled, but not to the same extent that Rory is.

Awe, you picked the name "Ceara" :) I love that name!
I also like Aedan...one of the boy names I've been contemplating...we must think alike ;)
I've been comparing personalites between all my snakes lately. I've never had a milk snake before, never wanted one, but I've been happily surprised with my new Central Plains milk snake "Viper". His personality is similiar to my big corn. He's just more active! He doesn't miss much going on outside his tub. And he's great to handle, usually comes right out the minute I pop the top. He doesn't like his head touched but he also doesn't take it personally. But whereas Draco likes to chill from time to time while I'm holding him, Viper likes to keep moving constantly. I usually end up doing the cat's cradle thing with him winding in my fingers so that he slithers in place. But I can only handle him for about 10 minutes or else he POOPS on me!

I haven't handled the baby garter, Bogo for a while. She very FAST! And she upsets easily and tends to musk me! Yuck! But she's so amusing to watch when I feed her. She gets so animated and excited when she sees live fish flapping around. ( So glad she's off the salamanders! They were getting hard to find.)

The sand boa once known as Francesca now known as Franco, is just Mr. Mellow and great with whatever you do with him.

Wishbone, my little amel has never had a bad day with handling and she's such a careful sweetie. I'm so happy with her temperment. I can't wait to see how she matures! Nathan at Gettysburg Reptiles really breeds some great amels when it comes to personality.

And then there's the big boy Draco. What can I say? Of the corns, he's my pride and joy. I wish I could take my favorite snakes to reptile shows just to show them off, not sell them. Draco and Franco need to be appreciated by more people than just their owner.

Oh yes, snakes have 'personality' lol. Here are a few that have the most marked personalities:

Cassiopia - Curious and quick to come out of hiding when tub is opened. Doesn't like handling, wants to escape.
China- climbs her tank a lot, will not stop drinking even when moving her tank. verrry calm!
Dora - Very hungry lil girl! climbs her vine when scared
Frosty- Hides when feeding time comes, but is calm when placed in feeding bin and after return. He watches when feeding other corns.
Kissy - Dont handle on pain of wrap & bite! seriously, it hurts! haha. Always lounges in the open, very hungry & active, hides only when pre-shed.
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I owned a yellow ratsnake (RIP) which was very curious and would always follow your hand along the glass or when rearranging stuff/scooping poo in her viv. Only when she tought you smelled like mice, she would immediately bite you :spinner:

I now own a self bred adult corn which is just as curious, she comes out to smell your hand the moment you open her viv and she keeps on tracking it, getting in the way when you need to reach out in her viv, so cute :) Her room mate is the opposite: she does not come out to see what is going on, and if you don't grab her firmly at once, she will battle your hand :flames: Both have always been like that. The father of the fiesty girl has always been a p.i.t.a. too, except in a period he was handled way more. A male sib though is a sweetheart now, after having been through a nasty teen period :lol:
My snakes have VERY different personalities. Georgia is completely laid-back and has never been flighty or skittish. The only time she ever so much as tried to strike (or do anything aggressive, for that matter) was when I first unpacked her after she got shipped to me.

On the other hand, Kaa was a total hateling when I first got him. :p He was my first snake and I remember wondering if he would ever tolerate me. He has definitely calmed down now that he's older, but he's still a little jumpy and usually takes a while to settle down when I get him out for handling. I also don't often see him cruising his viv - Georgia is definitely more of an explorer.
Willow (Normal Corn) is quite active and likes to climb up my arm. She loves trying to crawl up my sleeve, so I have to watch her while Im handling her. When she is not trying to crawl up my sleeve, she is trying to get away. If I get too close to her after she eats, she will rattle her tail, but other than that she has never struck and is well tempered.

Iris (Nic. Boa) is the calmest, most layed back snake Ive ever handled. That also includes the many Ball Pythons Ive handled