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Pet ideas for spare 10 gallon?

I currently have a spare ten gallon and I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for a pet to keep in it.
I'm looking for something not too expensive and easy to care for.
I'd also prefer if it could stay in the ten gallon it's whole life.
Also, no bugs, fish, and mammals.
I'm really just looking for suggestions of reptiles and amphibians.
And it's not a necessity, but if it could be handled, that would be cool.
So, any ideas?
Crested Geckos. An adult Crestie will do fine in a 10 gallon set up on it's end. Cresties don't need bugs, they can live just fine on Crested Gecko Diet.
I do feed Dubia roaches to mine.
They are pretty easy to handle as well.

I use silk & plastic plants,toilet paper tubes for hides. I also put one of those suction up soap holders in the cage, some like to eat off the ground.


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I agree, a leopard gecko or a crestie sounds like the way to go. Which do you prefer, as far as looks and color?
Here is a very good YouTube video from several years ago, that gives tips on handling;
Let us know what you decide, and remember - pics or it didn't happen! We want pics of your new baby when it arrives :)
Ohhh! I loved crested geckos! I didn't know they would be fine in a ten gallon.
I held a crestie at a pet store a while ago. I thought it was extremely adorable and it had the weirdest texture to its skin.
Do crested geckos need a lamp or a heating pad?
As far as I know, cresties are okay at room temperature as long as it does not get below 75 or so.
my S/O has a male pacman frog in one of our 10 gallons. they don't do a whole lot but they are fun to watch eat and some morphs are really pretty. and even when they call its like a tiny squeek
Pacman frogs are cool, but my mom definitely wouldn't let me get one. Haha, her favorite animals are frogs, but she had one of those and it was the meanest thing ever. It scared her so bad that she eventually had to find a new home for it.
Another question about cresties.
About how much do they cost?
What's the cheapest morph?
If it ends up costing more than Strider, a crestie would probably be a no.
Although, not needing extra heat would probably make it cheaper than Strider anyways.
No, they don't need heat & they can do fine in normal room temps (right now, my living room ranges from about 65-70).

They do not do well with high heat.

You can find them for pretty cheap. Are there any shows/expos coming up near you? That's a good place to pick one up.

I've paid as little as $25 for one (that was bought with another one), but you can find them for relaitvely cheap.
Some of mine I bought online, a couple are from local breeders.

They eat the CGD every other day (in the colder months I often feed every three days), & mist the cage every night (I just use a spray bottle).
This was my first Crestie that I brought home April 2011. Initially thought to be a boy, turned out to be a girl.
The first picture is when I first brought her home, at 12 grams, the next two pictures are more recent picture at about 39 grams.
Their coloring changes a lot.

Here's one of my males, that caught my eye, I paid $45 for him, & he's one of my favorite males. The first picture is when I brought him home, the other one is more recent. I'm partial to the high contrast ones. :)


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Thanks for all the info!
Cresties are definitely at the top of my list at the moment.
I went to a pet store on my way to work and they had a couple. I got to hold one of the males. He was a cutie.
How about a frog. Bumble bee frogs stay small and are cut. They are black and yellow. You could do a shrimp tank. Lots to choose from.