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pet store corn...


norbert and aelfric
i went to the pet store near my office, it's called pets pets pets. i went in for mice, which like usual they lacked. the man who manages the place is a really chill dude and i can tell he's knows his sh*t. he had a "black" cornsnake, which i think is more commonly known as a charcoal cornsnake, but i could be wrong. i live in nj and i was surpised to see a non-red eyed variation, but he told me that this cornsnake isn't indigenous and blah blah blah. i held the little guy and he was unusually docile, which worried move. he slithered around very slow and i didn't notice his tongue flapping out at all. the guy told me he'd offer the snake food, but he couldn't cuz they had none. i examined the snake for mites and respiratory problems and muscle strength. he seemed okay in those areas, but still i wasn't convinced that this was a well cared for snake...his drinking water was all mucky and almost dried up and another snake was in the container with him...no heating was provided, no lamp, no uth, no nothing!!! also, he was $99! i'm not sure if that's unreasonable, i have to take into consideration the shipping the store had to pay and while i can afford to buy the snake, i don't wanna get ripped off. i'm usually very anti-petstores and i'd say that i remain that way, but i feel bad for this little guy. i want him to be well and i know that i can take care of him and nurse him back to health, but i've recently had a snake escape and i'm still trying to locate him and stuff and if i was to find aelfric i'd just have to buy another vivarium. so...do i buy this snake so that he has a chance to live or just hope that someone comes along who can do as good a job as i could? the first person to say yes or no will be the one who makes this decision for me cuz i can't make it myself. sooo...you got the power. howie, answer cuz i know what you'll say. is it yes or no....yes...no. tell me.
Personally I wouldn't spend the $100 on an anery either way.

But what in the hell is this pet store doing selling snakes since they don't have anything to feed them? That's blatantly cruel in my opinion!

I'd check on those laws again too if I were you. Last I heard, was only red eyed morphs in NJ.
An Anery would cost you about $20 + $40 shipping
A Charcoal would cost you about $30 + $40 shipping

I wouldn't go for the purchase, but maybe speak to your local Humane Society about your concerns.
I've seen all sorts of crap going on in pet shops. One particular reptile specialty place here in Malmö had about 10 new hatchling corns in a plastic tub with 10 live pinkies (none had fed yet) and I suggested that it wasn't a great idea (for a number of reasons) and they said that's the way they do it....strange what these so called proffesionals do.
This is one thing that I have always felt strongly on.

Pet stores want the money and not what is best for the snake and are usually loosely educated in herpetology and does don’t know what is best for the snake. Many people don’t trust pet stores so much they will not even purchase mice from them and breed their own.

I personally would find a herpetology society near you that is what I did to get my snake. If you go online and just type in Herpetology societies in Nj there should be dozens of hits. Herpetology societies want what is best for the snake and will give you a lot of information about it with its feeding and sleeping and when it should be held and when not to.

Several societies will not even sell you the snake if they are not sure that you will not take good care of it.

That is what I mean when I say they want what is best.

But to make a long story short, No I would never buy a snake from a pet store.
Non red-eye corns are illegal in NJ, so the pet shop could get into some serious trouble, I'd assume, for selling one.

I'd assume they have an anery, not a charcoal. $20 tops, plus shipping is a lot cheaper than buying it from there. For $99, you could probably get a few anerythristics, or something else for that matter.

Dont buy the snake if it's sick. Chances are it'll end up dying, and you dont want to be out $99 if it is in fact sick.

Call the SPCA or something.
If petstores know they can get customers to "rescue" sick animals from their store, they have no incentive to improve their husbandry. The snake will just be replaced by another who will live in the same conditions until someone feels sorry for it, or it dies. Buying this snake will only make the problem worse.

What *will* solve the problem is if customers let the pet stores know that it is unacceptable. That we do not pay money for sick animals. That we will not give them money if they leave poop filled cages with no water and dead animals in them. We will not give them our business if they don't clean up their act and start treating these critters right. That is the only way some of these businesses will change, and if they don't change in those circumstances they will go out of business. Both options sound good to me.
VERY good points...

thank you, sisuit and everyone who responded. i will probably go back to the store today, avoid all purchases including food and other supplies and simply inspect the reptile area before deciding what to do and who to contact. if i felt bad for every neglected animal i'd be poor from purchasing all of them. it's not my responsibity to care for them, but i know when i see an animal that is in poor health because i know that the animals that are currently under my care are in good health. it is my responsibility, however, to see that this stops. i will do something, either file a complaint or speak my mind. i spoke to the manager a few months ago when i noticed a king snake had mites...he's done squat. i appreciate the guidance.
Your doing good work

You don’t have to stop buying everything from pet stores, you just have to find one that takes care of their herps, I still purchase my mice at the pet shop because I have no room to breed them in my house.

As far a filing complaints it will take a very long time for a change and most of the time it is a minor one, I have also filed complaints to pet stores for bad condition or reptiles and even contacted several herpetology societies about it but like I stated earlier they are in it for the money and don’t care about anything you try to do.
norbert03 said:
thank you, sisuit and everyone who responded. i will probably go back to the store today, avoid all purchases including food and other supplies and simply inspect the reptile area before deciding what to do and who to contact. if i felt bad for every neglected animal i'd be poor from purchasing all of them. it's not my responsibity to care for them, but i know when i see an animal that is in poor health because i know that the animals that are currently under my care are in good health. it is my responsibility, however, to see that this stops. i will do something, either file a complaint or speak my mind. i spoke to the manager a few months ago when i noticed a king snake had mites...he's done squat. i appreciate the guidance.

I did the same thing with a pet store in my town over Christmas break...the best thing to do is take a pen and paper with you and write down EVERYTHING that you see wrong. That way, if you report them, you have something concrete to go on and you don't have to rely on your memory and you make sure you get all the facts straight the first time. In Pennsylvania anyway, the PSPCA seems to be taking their good old time with this, so I hope your situation works out better.
If you have a small digicam, you could take some photos while the manager or whoever is off doing something else. I'd probably turn off the flash and just use natural light (if you don't want to attract too much attention to yourself.)