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Pet Store !@#$%^


New member
I have three normal hatchlings that I had made arrangemnts to sell to a local pet store for $35 each. (I was pretty happy with that price and they have the largest collection of reptiles in the area so I figured they would be ok). I went into the store to ask about making delivery and saw that they had a baby snow in a very small critter keeper plastic box, the bottom was covered with gravel and 3/4 of an inch of water. I walked out. I can't believe they are trying to sell snakes and keep them in a container better suited to frogs. The more frustrating thing was I talked to the owner a few weeks ago and told him about using aspen as a substrate.

This is mostly just a vent about a bad pet store, but there is a question for those who sell to pet stores: Do you / should you take the pet store environment into account in deciding whether or not to wholesale?
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Pet store enviroment is probably my first concern when selling snakes to them. If they don't know how to take take of their pets, how will their customers know? I think we have a responsibility to ensure the best futures for any snakes we breed. Luckily, I have nearby Reptile Island. I learned most of my snake knowledge from them. Also, i worked there briefly and seen their facilities and how that they keep their snakes responsibly.
ascottlaw said:
This is mostly just a vent about a bad pet store, but there is a question for those sell to pet stores: Do you / should you take the pet store environment into account in deciding whether or not to wholesale?

YES YES YES. A responsible breeder (of any animal) should be picky about who buys his/her animals. Improper care not only sullies the store's reputation, but yours as well.
Would be worth a phone call to the owner to ask about the snow. Maybe a poorly trained staff did that and the owner hadn't noticed the error yet? Give them the benefit of the doubt and see how quickly they fix the problem with the snow. That will give an indication of something.
Absolutely, it is part of the decision. In fact, I have plans to sell to only one pet store in my area. Fortunately, it is a shop that I work at, so my babies will still be under my own care, and I still get to talk to the final consumer, as well...
Sure I do, But it helps that I work in the reptile department of the store that buys all of my snakes. I can choose who eventually takes them home too! As an added bonus I sell all of my non feeders to the "other" local pet stores. (They are aware they are not feeding)
phiber_optikx said:
Sure I do, But it helps that I work in the reptile department of the store that buys all of my snakes. I can choose who eventually takes them home too! As an added bonus I sell all of my non feeders to the "other" local pet stores. (They are aware they are not feeding)

But do they tell the customers that???

(Doubt it).

Oh Yeah...

We sell to one pet store and one pet store only. And its because we know the owners/employees take very good care of all the animals and actually do know about reptiles and have some of their own. Otherwise we wouldnt sell to them. Not saying all pet stores are bad but alot seem to not know how to care for them properly.

That I can not say for sure.... Honestly I doubt it. But I have my own reptile department to worry about plus all of my animals at home. I sell them my "bad" snakes in the hopes that they can get them to eat. I don't have the time or energy to make sure they are constantly doing the right thing. All I can do is give 110% customer service to all of my customers and my stores customers. Anyone with an ounce of common sense or reptile know how wouldn't buy from this store anyway...


Absolutely. I'd be more than a bit curious if a breeder tried to sell to me(my store) sight unseen. I'd want to buy from someone knowing they care about the health of thier animals. If they had concerns for whatever reason, I'd want to hear it! I can't speak for all stores, but I want to support local breeders- who I think have every right to tell us what expectations they have for the husbandry of thier animals. I also think that they should refuse to supply to stores that fail to meet these requirements.

I'm not sure if that made sense, I'm tired sorry. :)