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Petition to PermaBan "Murphy", Thread!!


Mr. Enigma!
No, Murphy is not a member here! Well, a registered member anyway. I think he comes on here to "trolling" through the forum looking for unsuspecting souls to reek havoc on.

So, I'm not planning on breeding much this year. Maybe two clutches at the most. I'm mostly working toward building on project I have in my head.

Well Dammit, Murphy butted his head into my business again! :smash:

I have been regurge and illness free for Two+ years now. I keep my snakes very clean. They are all on regulated heat. I change their water very regularly and so on and so forth.

Then this year happens. One of the two females I am planning on breeding goes and gets sick on me. I didn't realize it until she regurged. I then took a closer look at her and noticed that she was a bit swollen mid section. That's all I needed to see and we were off to the Vet.

The poor thing has a URI, which isn't uncommon. That is probably what caused the regurge. Her symptoms are very subtle, which is probably why I didn't catch them. So the vet recommended the standard at home treatment for URI's before we try any Baytril. Raise the temps, smaller wter bowl, etc etc etc. Told me that if we didn't see in improvement to call in two weeks. No Biggie, right? They also did a fecal and as suspected, all clear!

Well, she didn't get better and I'm now giving her .05 cc's of Bartril w/water daily. She still not looking good and I'm concerned. I also noticed that she has lost a bunch of weight, probably meaning that she is a nogo for breeding this year. :crying:

Poor thing is quarantined and not being handled much. I'm a little worried but miffed at the same time. :mad:

I'm willing to pay to have "Murphy" disappear if ya know what I mean! :dgrin:

Sorry for the rant!

That sucks! Sorry for your visit from Murphy. I could go on and on with the nasty tricks Murphy has already played on me this season!

I'll only mention a couple at this point...

The high white Reverse Okeetee I REALLY needed to use this year disappeared after servicing just ONE out of about EIGHT planned females!!!

My employee screwed up on FOUR females, mixing up the males that were SUPPOSED to go with them, meaning I'll likely end up with a bunch of caramel multi hets instead of golddusts, ambers, and butter motleys!

Lastly, and this is one of the biggest kickers, the person who is housing 48 of my animals has renegged on her rent, meaning she may going be getting an eviction notice anyday, thus I may have to offer a lot of snakes "free to a good home" that were prime breeding animals for me. If they have to go before the month is out then I won't even get the eggs which would mean all the money and time investment on these animals was for naught..

Oh well, I guess my main responsibility is to the animals that belong to me, not a "possible" future generation. I'll make sure to get them seen to first...

It's supposed to be "Win some, Lose some" right?!?!? Fine, but I just wanna know when I'm gonna WIN SOME!?!?!?

OUCH! to both of you. That Murphy fella is sure not friendly....and maybe even a little evil in the above mentioned cases. In any case Rebecca I would at least try and sell those extra rather than giving away. I know I was saving some money and trying to generate space for some of your snakes as is. I am just hoping Murphy doesn't bite me and someone scoops the ones I have my eyes on of yours. But at least in this last case Murphy getting me would at least benefit you.

ps. Any going rates for souls Rebecca??? :D

That really isnt good,if you dont mind me asking what was the Breeding you planned on doing?
That sucks, Wayne. I had a female regurge for no reason, too. Maybe it was too big a mouse too soon after brumation. She seems fine, but I am watching her like a hawk and holding off on breeding until I am positive she is fully recovered.
Yeah, Murphy is getting the evil eye from me. First, Vanay shows no interest in either of my proven females, so gender is up in the air once more. "He" is two years old. :/

Then, as I do not brumate, I think the warm weather in January caused my girls to ovulate early and I missed it, so no clutches at all for me!
Thanks Everyone. I'm so sad that so many are forced to deal with this "loser"!

I'm a little more worried about my girl, then about my breeding prospects. I have many many years to be able to breed her. I just hope she pulls through this. If I don't see an improvement by Monday, back to the Vet. I'm not taking any chances with this girl.

That really isnt good,if you dont mind me asking what was the Breeding you planned on doing?

She is part of a Lava project that I am working on. I'm not supposed to talk about that though. ;)

Hah! If banning Murphy would have solved any problems, I would have done that LONG, LONG ago. I've had more than my share of runins with that dude....
In any case Rebecca I would at least try and sell those extra rather than giving away.

If they have to go it'll be a case of me needing to find them homes ASAP. I won't have time to sit around and market them. I have a few people in mind, and hopefully a few would be able to go locally or at least I could pay someone to hold them for me.. We'll see what happens, I'm not QUITE painted into that corner yet ;)

As for what morphs I was PLANNING to breed in the messed up sets, it was supposed to be amber to amber x 2 and a golddust motley male to butter het motley and butter motley girls...

Oh well, guess we'll know if the male amber happens to be het for motley, stripe or amel...

She is part of a Lava project that I am working on. I'm not supposed to talk about that though. ;)


lol, no offence, but "keeping secrets" from a breeder like Stephen seems a little.. counter productive? He'd be more likely to be able to help you, rather than hurt your project..

Anyway, good luck with your girl, hope she pulls through for you. It's good you have a reliable vet to take her to!

The reason I was asking was to see if I have something I could help you with.Alot of my animals arent going to be bred this year. Although I dont have much with Lava.I do like the lava Bloods and Ice Bloods though..
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I'm all for it! I've dealt with Mr. Murphy too many times myself. I've been putting pairs together since the end of January (didn't get to brumate) and still have yet to see a successful mating. Heck, I have only seen 2 males even make a courtship attempt and both females won't let them even get close. I'm hoping that like the last time I didn't brumate, the females weren't ready until later in March at the earliest, most breeding in April. I just don't want a repeat of last year when I lost 2 adult males and 5 adult females for various reasons after breeding.
lol, no offence, but "keeping secrets" from a breeder like Stephen seems a little.. counter productive? He'd be more likely to be able to help you, rather than hurt your project..

Anyway, good luck with your girl, hope she pulls through for you. It's good you have a reliable vet to take her to!

Secrets?!?!? I don't keep secrets! :sidestep:

The reason I was asking was to see if I have something I could help you with.Alot of my animals arent going to be bred this year. Although I dont have much with Lava.I do like the lava Bloods and Ice Bloods though..

I really appreciate that. I wasn't trying to keep anything a secret. Just on the down low.

Thank you Stephen! :cheers:
