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PetPal iPhone app?


Can't Keep A Secret
Does anybody use the PetPal iPhone app? I just saw an ad for it on the forum and was curious if it was any good for snake records. I don't like to download things to my phone willy nilly. LOL!

So if you have the app, what do you think? :D
Thanks for linking the thread, Airidies. Of course, now I see multiple apps that would be perfect for keeping track of the snakes...and they're all for iPhone (I have an Android =P)

Guess I'll stick with Google Docs spreadsheet for now.
I got the Pet Pal App a month or so ago. I like it thought it is pretty basic. You can put all your animals on it. You can even search for all their info like scientific name, heat, humidity and morph. It will keep track of their growth thought I have not figured out how to use this yet. I wish it could keep track of feed records though. Maybe in the future. It also keeps track of the breeder, the parents of the animal, name, id, food type and size, you can upload a pic of the animal, and a few other things.

Like I said all and all its nice to have. I just hope it can do more down the road.