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Pewter, Phantom and Stripes


Herpetologists' offspring
I've been wanting a pewter and a ghost stripe for so long that I finally gave in. I looked on the VMS site and found exactly what I was searching for, as well as the other two that I just couldn't pass up!

Langdon, 1.0 Pewter het Amel 66% het Anery

Diego, 1.0 Ghost Stripe 66% het Caramel 50% het Amel

Jane, 0.1 Phantom

Louise, 0.1 Stripe het Hypo 66% het Caramel/Anery 50% het Amel

These are the only pictures I have for now because they're in my mom's care while I'm at university. When I get home in December I'll finally be able to see them myself! From what I've heard, they're in excellent health and are settling into their new homes nicely. I'm so excited!
Congrats on the new babies, they are all gorgeous! (And congrats to your mum for snake-sitting!)
Nice pick ups! Be sure to give your mom a big hug because your lucky. My mom would have laughed at me if I asked her to care for babies.
Thanks everyone! Haha I got lucky with my mom. It's actually my parents who really introduced me to snakes and got me my first ones, and my mom has really been getting into corns with me. When I ordered these, she ordered an Abbott's Okeetee for herself! I'm so grateful she's been willing to watch all of my babies for me while I've been gone.
Very nice snakes. It looks like Langdon is enjoying some nice artwork (What is that? some kind of stoneware?)
I love the stripes, I may have to put a stripe on my "to get" list.
You are lucky that your mother will snake-sit for you. My mom wants nothing to do with snakes, and as far as my grandmother knows, I have a "lizard" not a snake.