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Picking up snake immediately after feeding


New member
After reading some other feeding posts, it seems like the generally accepted practice is to let the snake find it's own way out of the feeding chamber. I was unaware of this before, so what I've been doing is feeding my snake in his feeding chamber (which is actually quite large, something like ~3-5 gallon plastic lock-top box), then carrying it over to his cage and gently but quickly picking him up to put him back in his cage. I've had no issues with this (been feeding since beginning of November), but is this bad practice? Thanks
No, as long as it's done gently, without the snake flailing about too much, it's fine. I usually let mine find their way out of the feeding container or carefully dump them out, but many people will pick up their snakes directly after feeding to put them back, so you're all good!
Lifting and placing gently back into their living quarters after feeding is not the same as handling, in my humble opinion, so it's quite safe to do what you've been doing :)

Handling to me would be an extended period of crawling through your hands, arms etc to give the snake exercise, so doing that right after a meal is what can cause regurges. I mean that would be like going for a 5 mile run after eating thankgiving dinner ;)
Agreed - you're doing fine. I tend to use the tip-and-slide technique, but only because I mainly have front opening vivs and it's easy for me to do. I don't have a problem with scooping out those who are more inclined to sit still.