The temps looks good. So the temperature shouldn't be much of a problem.
Since the little one didn't eat for only 2 weeks its not that much of a problem yet. There are lots of things that you can try
Live pinky, Brained Pinky, Scented (with lizard or chicken broth) pinky, pinky head, pinky left over night in brown paper bag, taking the snake for a 15 min ride (hey a few people have tried this and it not silly alright? LOL...), f/t with all of the previous things.
One thing that you must NOT do is to disturb it too much. Leave it alone for a couple of days (preferabely 5-7 days) and then in between the only thing that you want to do is change water. Other than that don't disturb it. It might be the stress that its going throught that is caughing the stress thus not eating.
If it has good heat, good encironment and still not might be because that its not hungry yet. So don't worry too much as of yet.
As for force feeding, don't do it yet. It's too much stress on the animal. If it is stress that is causing it not to eat, then force feeding it might get the pinky down, but it still might regurgitate the pinky back out later on and cause more harm than good.
Good luck and hope to hear that the pinky will eat for you soon~~