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Pinkie size?

I posted these pictures in my progression thread too, but I wanted to have a separate thread so it'll be faster for my questions to be answered.

These are two bad quality pictures of the first time I fed Strider.
Do you think the pinkie size is okay? Could he eat larger? Or is smaller recommended? He ate it very quickly.

I just wanted some opinions as this is my first snake, so I'm new to all of this.


Thanks for answering!
I was mainly curious because he ate it so quickly. I was expecting it to take a while longer.
And also because Strider is my first snake so I want everything to be perfect. :)
My Omnom is a little pig, and I've never seen a snake eat as fast as he does. He's a little hoover! My Kiyo takes her time and eats slower than he does.
When I feed hatchlings I do this:

Put a pink in the deli on the scale. Get out the baby, weigh, set aside, get the water bowl, wash, replace, put out the next deli and pinky, and by the time I am ready to go get the next snake, the first baby is done eating. They strike within seconds of being put in the deli and are swallowing by the time I set the deli down on the bed.
Mine isn't a hatchling but she doesn't even wait for me to get her off my hand and into the feeding tub. She is already swallowing before I can move. Some corns are amazing eaters. ;)
Then they graduate to the next size and they can barely get it down for the first couple meals!