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Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
Looks like only 18 members have logged in during the past 24 hours. :sobstory:

Obviously most everyone has found places more to their liking elsewhere concerning corn snake discussions. And honestly, I am spending more time just booting out more spammers registering than actual new members than anything else here. I really don't have much to talk about concerning corn snakes since retiring about 10 years ago.

So if everyone has decided to abandon this site, why bother maintaining it?

I guess in hindsight I should have just pulled the plug on this site when I retired the SerpenCo business, but I thought there were enough active members here to keep the interest and participation going. Obviously I was wrong.

This site really doesn't earn me much in the way of income, so financially it is just dead weight I am carrying on my server.

So where do you see this path heading?
Wish I could offer some optimism about the future. People just don't appreciate the value of forums like this one, the knowledge they contain, and how easily searchable it is. We're probably going to devolve into relying on the most social-media savvy "experts" on snakes to provide information rather than people that actually put in the work and know what they're talking about.

Perhaps you can fold the site into Fauna? The information wouldn't be as well organized lumped into the cornsnake portion of Fauna but at least it would remain available.

Don't know how much that would reduce your costs or the work involved, though.
Rich, it is a real shame. This site has been part of my morning routine for the last 8 years. I've learned so much from this site and purchased almost all of my snakes over the years from breeders I found here. I would hate to see it fold, but I can fully understand if you were to shut it down.
Please don't let the invaluable information contained on this site disappear. Most may not become members, but I send people to this site all the time to search for answers to their corn questions. Corns are not as popular right now as they used to be, but they will be again when people realize how incredibly boring Ball Pythons actually are.
Hello, totally new to site. Need some questions answered about my little buddy. If this isn't the site what do you recommend?
Hello, totally new to site. Need some questions answered about my little buddy. If this isn't the site what do you recommend?

There are still a number of seasoned and knowledgeable users frequenting this site. Create a new thread with your questions and I'm sure they will get answered.
Please don't let the invaluable information contained on this site disappear. Most may not become members, but I send people to this site all the time to search for answers to their corn questions. Corns are not as popular right now as they used to be, but they will be again when people realize how incredibly boring Ball Pythons actually are.

Unless people SHOW me that this site is valuable to them, how would any reasonable person not think otherwise?

I don't believe I am asking to the moon here. I just need to see people frequenting and participating on this site. Otherwise I have to assume that everyone has come to the conclusion that this site just isn't worth a damn to them. Is that an unreasonable request?
Most may not become members, but I send people to this site all the time to search for answers to their corn questions. Corns are not as popular right now as they used to be, but they will be again when people realize how incredibly boring Ball Pythons actually are.

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