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Planning on upgrading


heart in the right place
I think it's time to put the old FujiFilm S6500fd out to pasture now - 6.3 megapixels just isn't enough anymore unfortunately. So was wondering what would be a good low-end DSLR? Affordable would be good too :D

It would be great if people could post examples of photos they've taken with their cameras, or link to pictures, and state the model (and lens) in the post ;)
Nikon D3000. I have the D40 (6 MP) that takes great pictures. The D3000 is the newer model and has 10 MP (I think). Makes a good foundation to start from. You could always pick up a used body and spend your money on good glass.

Here are some pics I've taken of various subjects (and keep in mind I'm a mega amateur and am not even close to reaching the full potential of the camera - but I'm pleased with how they're turning out compared to my old P&S). This is with D40, Tamron 25-75mm f/2.8, and some with SB-400 flash:







sorry and it was the stock lens, i think like 17-55 mm is lens. i think the pics look better on my pc. shrank them some when i put online
Loving the hoggie pictures, very cute :D But I think I'm already sold to the Nikon D3000. Matthew the pictures you've taken with the D30, especially the royal and bunny look amazing! How did you light them?
Loving the hoggie pictures, very cute :D But I think I'm already sold to the Nikon D3000. Matthew the pictures you've taken with the D30, especially the royal and bunny look amazing! How did you light them?

It's actually the D40. Both the ball python, rabbit, and cat were taken indoors with the SB-400 flash bounced off the ceiling. The faster glass (f/2.8) that I have is good, but I think the flash is a better first "upgrade". I got a 2nd lens first, but in retrospect wish I had gotten the flash first.

The SB-400 is nice because you can bounce it to illuminate a room. Many will tell you that its not worth it and to get the SB-600, but for the amateur photographer, the SB-400 is more than you'll need (plus its half the cost!). So if you get the D3000, definitely get the SB-400 with it; especially for indoor photography

Here's just a comparison. These were the first pics I took with it. Without even really messing with it you can see a world of difference.

Regular on camera flash. Note harsh lighting on subject and background and shadows cast:


Bounced flash. Much more natural and evenly lit.:

It's actually the D40. Both the ball python, rabbit, and cat were taken indoors with the SB-400 flash bounced off the ceiling. The faster glass (f/2.8) that I have is good, but I think the flash is a better first "upgrade". I got a 2nd lens first, but in retrospect wish I had gotten the flash first.

The SB-400 is nice because you can bounce it to illuminate a room. Many will tell you that its not worth it and to get the SB-600, but for the amateur photographer, the SB-400 is more than you'll need (plus its half the cost!). So if you get the D3000, definitely get the SB-400 with it; especially for indoor photography

Sorry had 3's on the brain and didn't quote your original post :crazy01: And by glass, do you mean lens?

The lighting is gorgeous - I think I'll definitely buy the SB-400 as primary use for my camera at the moment is documenting my snake's colours as they mature and shed. To get accurate colours without post shot editing I've been doing my photography outside in natural sunlight (which isn't really a good way of doing things as it's now turning to winter), so the SB-400 does look to be ideal ^^
The second use for my camera is nature shots - so what sort of optical zoom does the standard lens have? My fuji has a 28-300mm lens so 18-55mm (part of Nikon D3000 kit - camera and lens for £338.30) must be fairly pants in comparison?
Sorry had 3's on the brain and didn't quote your original post :crazy01: And by glass, do you mean lens?

Yes, by glass I mean lens. Sorry, should be more specific.

The lighting is gorgeous - I think I'll definitely buy the SB-400 as primary use for my camera at the moment is documenting my snake's colours as they mature and shed. To get accurate colours without post shot editing I've been doing my photography outside in natural sunlight (which isn't really a good way of doing things as it's now turning to winter), so the SB-400 does look to be ideal ^^

Yes, you'll be happy with the SB-400. It's pretty much always on my camera. Unless I'm doing outside shots where I won't need a flash, or just using on camera flash for fill flash. But other than that, its on all the time; especially for indoor shots.

The second use for my camera is nature shots - so what sort of optical zoom does the standard lens have? My fuji has a 28-300mm lens so 18-55mm (part of Nikon D3000 kit - camera and lens for £338.30) must be fairly pants in comparison?

Yes, 18-55 won't have nearly the zoom; but its a good all around lens. I have this lens for zoom:


A friend of mine has this lens:


I personally haven't used the Sigma one, but it gets good reviews and my friend loves hers. Plus for $150 its a pretty good deal for a zoom lens.
Yes, by glass I mean lens. Sorry, should be more specific.

It's fine I understood what you meant by glass, just wanted to make sure though :)

Yes, 18-55 won't have nearly the zoom; but its a good all around lens. I have this lens for zoom:


A friend of mine has this lens:


I personally haven't used the Sigma one, but it gets good reviews and my friend loves hers. Plus for $150 its a pretty good deal for a zoom lens.

The 18-55mm sounds fine for indoors/snake close-ups, but I'd push the boat out and go for the Sigma and longer zoom when I can afford it (nature/zoo shots just aren't as much fun or as easy with a short zoom). Luckily the price for it over here in the UK is only £125.42 :D
Thanks for commenting/helping :cheers: