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Playing with pet store snakes


Cute Overload
I'm getting a snake in a few months but I've never even touched one before (well, I got to poke a dead rattlesnake, but I don't count that). I can't decide if I should try to handle some at a pet store (Petsmart or something, if they allow that) or just wait until I go to pick out my snake. I'm just scared to look like an idiot in front of the breeder LOL (he's probably going to see this, since he's a member here :sidestep:).
Do you know how to properly keep a corn snake? Or any snake in that matter? Because if you dont, I'd say you do some research before getting any pet.

If you do, then go to a local pet store and ask to handle one of their corn snakes, its really easy. You just have to be gentle and let them go where they want, and if start heading somewhere you dont want to, just gently guide them a different direction. Its better to start holding an adult, since they are calmer, then go down and start handling juveniles. :D
I don't think I had ever held one either before I went to pick mine out from the breeders 'snake room'. I had pet snakes at the fair and the zoo but I don't remember holding one alone. It's fine, they really are neat. Don't be nervous or hesitant because animals can totally since it when you are. You'll do fine.
Yes, I've been a member of this forum for a little over a year and own Kathy Love's corn snake guide. It's like driving a car- reading about it is one thing, but actually driving is another; I'd like to see if maybe I should try handling one before I get my own so I don't mess up :)
I'd definitely go into a pet store and ask to handle something. A ball python may be a good start with handling because they're so, well, FAT, and easy to grip without worrying about hurting them. Out of egg sized corn snakes... not so much. :p
Couldn't hurt to hold one now, except if you fall in love and it comes home with you! LOL. Not that that is always a bad thing. I also second the BP idea, generally the corns the pet stores like Petco have are tiny, you could hold the BP first to get used to the feel and build confidence, then maybe try one of the baby corns if you want. Not sure about Petsmart but I know Petco will refuse to let someone handle any of their animals if they suspect you are just using them as a petting zoo and have no intentions at all of buying something. If you just told them that you have been reseaching snakes and are pretty sure you want one as a pet but had never handled one and wanted to hold several before deciding whether to get one, I don't think they would mind, as long as you didn't mention you were already planning to get one somewhere else.
What I do in either store is find an employee and say, "Hey, can I see the [insert reptile]?"

Except for the tokay geckos, there's been no problems with me just saying that.
Definitely go and handle some, an adult and something around the size you plan on getting. I am so thrilled we had a chance to hold some snakes before getting ours but in retrospect we totally should have learned how to deal with a hatchling before we owned one. They are so different from handling the adults!
I'll try to see if Petsmart by my place will let me hold a ball python (you're right, they are fat! I literally lol'd when I looked up pics). If not then there's a nice reptile shop that I know has an adult corn, I'm just not sure if they allow people to just come in and play with the snakes.
A local reptile shop here lets us handle the animals. I have spent money there, though, bought lots of feeder mice and a tank and hides and stuff. If you plan on just handling their snakes, maybe buy something while you are there. Get some aspen or a hide or something, just so you can feel good about supporting a nice place.

Also I might be paranoid, but I wash like crazy between handling other people's herps and our herps, and even between ours. I worry that ours can catch something.
I am assuming that you are getting a baby from cornsnakeforsale_com. I am sure he would be more than ok with you holding the snake and make sure that you are comfortable before you took your new baby home. Shoot you can come to my house and hold some adults and 2010 babies.
I totally missed that you are in AZ, Discordia, until Christen's post clued me in! Pets Inc (3201 South Mill Avenue in Tempe) is where we go to handle the snakes. That's also where we saw the MBK strike at an employee's face about 6 or 8 times.

Though now that Christen is offering up her herpkids for handling... that sounds way more fun! :D
Pets Inc is a great place to go to handle. Unfortunately, the people in the reptile department are not always knowledgable. There is a whole longer story behind why I don't like that store but to play with snakes, I would trust them better than petco or petsmart. Most of the big chains are to afraid to pull them out and wouldn't be able to give you pointers on holding.
Hey Discordia- don't be embarressed about limited experience around a breeder. I breed tons of snakes and am always trying running into people who have never touched/held a snake... no worries. We all started somewhere. Ask him/her ANY questions you have--- anything on your mind-- snakes are EASY pets just so BASIC requirements are met. Once you figure out what works best for you, it's a piece of cake. If you go by his/her facility hopefully tehy'll give you a tour and allow you to see/hold a bunch of their stuff.

When holding a corn, babies can be alot more squirmy & fiesty than adults... don't worry, with gentle handling they'll all calm down (lol- we won't talk about sunkissed and their "angry at the world" attitudes). Try to support larger snakes with two hands... let them "glide through your hands/fingers... they don't enjoy being firmly grasped (neither do I)... let them explore...they'll be climbing everywhere being nosey... I really think some enjoy getting otu and "seeing the world"!

Heck, after a few months it'll be old hat for ya. Kathy Love's book is wonderful--- so is Don Soderberg's book (www.cornsnakes.net). You sound really responsible- esp. being a member on here and reading everything for a while BEFORE getting your snake...

If you were local (Texas) I'd invite ya over to help me do some cleaning/feeding- lol- for some experience. Reptiles are amazing creatures- good luck with your upcoming snake!!!

I also say don't be shy and go right to the breeder! I love showing my snakes to "first timers!".

Wouldn't YOU feel even more confident if the person "spotting" you on your first time holding a snake was A: familiar with the animal you are holding knowing they are a good temperment to start with, B: confident enough to know what you are doing right/wrong and is able to correct you before mistakes are made, and C: competent enough to catch the animal if it tries to dart on you?

Either way GO FOR IT! Corns RULE! ;)

When I was thinking of getting my first reptile, I was dithering between a corn snake and a crested gecko.

I found a GOOD pet shop that specialised in reptiles and fish, and went to have a look. The charming staff allowed me to handle both, and when I handled the first corn I was hooked!!! :crazy02:

I think it is not a bad idea to go to a shop, but it needs to be I think a decent shop.