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please dont support wild caughts


i luv them all.
hey i hate to see the amount of wild caught imported every year when we Americans (or people who reside here) have ample amount of ball pythons at our finger tips... how much more morphs do we want from them when most people cant even afford them. slowly we are endangering them. corns are some what OK because there native here but from what i no there not as bad as how they catch the BP's. just spend the extra cash on the captive breeds and plus your sopporting the sellers who sell captive breeds hers some clips
As long as they can money they are going to do it. Fact is less are being imported now than they were not too long ago due to the number of CBB.:rolleyes:

CrazyCorn said:
As long as they can [make] money they are going to do it.

That is a valid point. However, I feel it's a lousy justification for doing anything. If everyone had that mentality, what state of affairs would nature be in today? I can't comment on this particular instance, because I don't know what is going on with wild populations. I don't believe that Ball Pythons or corns are close to threatened so it's not a big issue in this case.

I'm not referring to corns or ball pythons. This same mentality is the one that many people use with respect to threatened and endangered species. Does it make it right to support the harvest of any species (especially threatened/endagered) just because there are people who are always gonna kill/harvest them? Heck once they've been killed/captured the damage has been done, right? Supply and demand. If people didn't eat softshell turtles, didn't desire to keep orangutans as pets, etc etc...then there would be no reason to kill or capture them.

Like I said, I'm not harping on you. I'm just talking in general. This is the kind of thing you see and hear on TV all the time. It's sad that so many people in the world could care less about animals, endangered or not. When watching the Jeff Corwin Experience (yes, I watch(ed) it) one woman supporting the illegal trade of endangered species in Asia was asked, "But, what about the animals?" And she just responded that they can always live in zoos. I find that sickening.
hediki said:
corns are some what OK because there native here but from what i no there not as bad as how they catch the BP's.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but what it sounds like, is you are taking issue with importing wild caught species. I'm not dissagreeing with your standpoint, but have to wonder why it's ok in your mind to harvest snakes that are native to North America, but not okay to import.

Where I live it's not okay to collect anything that is indiginous to the area. It's also not okay to keep exotics that have not been CBB. I love hearing stories from people on the boards that have collected something really fabulous and have introduced the 'new blood' to their colony. Around here, it's just not done. Of course, one could argue that we wouldn't have corns (or anything else for that matter) as pets at all if someone hadn't been out field herping one day and decided to keep what they found.

I would love some clarification on what you are asking from the group. Is it just to be sure to purchase CBB imports? Or are you also asking for members not to harvest from their own backyards? (Always assuming you're one of those lucky ones that lives in corn country)
[/QUOTE]I love hearing stories from people on the boards that have collected something really fabulous and have introduced the 'new blood' to their colony. Around here, it's just not done.[/QUOTE]

Do you mean not done in your locality or do you mean not done on this forum?
some wild caught animals thrive in captive care and live full healthy lives and in the right care make excellent captives
without WC we wouldn't have snakes as every snakes origins was from WC animals and they bring in new blood to make fresh bloodlines and lessens inbreeding
Sorry Gintha -
I meant not done in my locality.
Funny how we spend so much time trying to be clear, and something still gets lost in translation when we just read what people type and not hear a voice. :shrugs:
all I'm saying is we have enough BP's in the U.S that we shouldn't have to import because it may lead to threatening the species. i don't go to expos and see wild caught corns as much as i do BP's. may be 0-2 wild caught to 20-30 wild bps no exaggeration. and they get a fresh batch every year. now if the majority of the wild caught bps decide no to eat on the people who buy them and die they ownersbuy more wild caught because there cheap and easily replaceable. corns and more for breeding purposes than selling it cheap. in my opinion most wild caught corns are use to find new genetics.
hediki said:
all I'm saying is we have enough BP's in the U.S that we shouldn't have to import because it may lead to threatening the species. i don't go to expos and see wild caught corns as much as i do BP's. may be 0-2 wild caught to 20-30 wild bps no exaggeration. and they get a fresh batch every year. now if the majority of the wild caught bps decide no to eat on the people who buy them and die they ownersbuy more wild caught because there cheap and easily replaceable. corns and more for breeding purposes than selling it cheap. in my opinion most wild caught corns are use to find new genetics.

This sounds kind of like a double-standard when you look at it. "it's okay to catch the snakes in your backyard, just not from someone elses." This is not right. You also have to remember that BP's dont produce NEAR the same numbers that corns do. A female corn will (in her life time) produce an average of 20 eggs every year. BP's only will produce about half that number each breeding year, and should not be bred more than once every three years. Even when you take the longevity of corns vs. BP, then you come up with the fact that BP's produce about half the ammount of eggs per season (1/3rd of the corns overall seasons) twice as long. In this case, over the BP's life span, they will produce about 1/3rd of the overall eggs that a corn will. This means that colonies will need to be about three times as large as corn colonies, which means that there will theoretically need to bee three times (or maybe two times) as many WC imports.

Again, the harvesting of wild BP's is still going down. If you go in relative time, then BP's have been around much longer than corns, so have been just as well, if not better, established in wild populations. I don't think that there is much problem, looking at all the numbers I have thrown out there, with the fact that there are more WC and imported BP's than corns. If I was inacurate at all with my numbers, someone please let me know.