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please help a sick snake


New member
my female amel seems to be in a bad way she looks very bloated and is finding it hard to move she seems to be dragging her rear end,she ate fine this week ,she is sharing with a male at the minute he is fine any thoughts would be greatly appreciated untill i con get to a vet.
thanks Tom
As I'm sure you already know and may have done, get that Vet visit scheduled right away. I would seperate the two. Put her in her own container set up very simply. Newspaper or papertowels for substrate a water dish and a hide. Keep her warm till you can have the Vet check her out. I hope everything turns out ok. Keep a close observation on her roommate as well.

Keep us posted.
It sounds like she is gravid, have you witnessed any breeding activity?
sorry i havnt kept up to date

as it turns out she is fine after arriving at the vets really worried,the vet was checking her over and suddenly she pooped all over him,as it turned out she was a little constipated as the lump disappered and she was able to move more freely,i have never seen her poop like that before,anyway the vet took some slides just to be safe and she was in perfect health,
The miracle cure of just going to the vet !

As a vererinary technician, I witness that miracle at least once a day. The dog that has been limping for a week is suddenly using all 4 legs upon entering the waiting room. The cat has hasn't eaten for days suddenly gobbles a whole handful of treats in the exam room. And the animal that hasn't urinated or had a stool in a week "makes" all over the tech and/or the vet. And my husband wonders why the first thing I do upon arriving home is shower and change clothes !
I had the same problem with one of my king snakes, and someone sugguested that I soak him in luke warm water before taking him into the vet, he pooped out the lump about half an hour after his bath,... just a sugguestion for any future lumpiness it's a little bit cheaper cure than going to the vet

glad to hear everything came out ok