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please help, i think my snake is dying


New member
its 11:00pm and and i cant bring her to a vet until the morning..

shes a 4 month old corn i just got friday, she was fine when i got her, moving around my hand and everything...even in the container that i brought her home in she was moving a round...then yesterday i commented on a nother form that she didnt seem to move much...then today i thought she was dead, so i picked her up and she was holding on to my finger, but not really moving so i put her back and ive been secking on her..like 5 mins ago when i looked in she moved to the warm side, but her mouth was open, and i thought for sure she was dead but she was moving and i really dont no what to do, shes back in her tank now but her mouth is still open and her head is on its side...can someone please tell me what to do, cuz i really dont no
A vet would probably be the best thing for you. I haven't experienced anything like this, but there are some questions that might be helpful for others to know before trying to help.

1)Have you fed her anything? Or do you know when the last feeding was?

2)What are the temps?

3)Is it making any noises? Hissing, clicking, anything like that?
i havent fed her yet since i just got her friday (2days ago)...but she was last fed last saturday

cold side is 76.6 warm is 88.4

and no its not making any nose

shes just laying there and once in a while shes moves a little bit, like shes trying to turn over i guess, or bends like shes trying to make an "S"
she just died...i really dont understand it, the temps were ok i wasnt bothering her, she was fine when i got her and has been fine up until today...i just really dont understand

does anyone no what could have caused this?
Sorry to hear it died :(
Sometimes these things just happen. Hard to say what might have been wrong. Obviously there was a problem before you got the snake. I would try to talk to the breeder/store where you got it.
Don't be too discouraged-it sounds like you were doing the right things, just wasn't a healthy snake.
Again I am so sorry for your loss.
Honestly, it could have been anything. Yet, the first two thoughts that come to me are some sort of fatal genetic disorder or some sort of external factor. By external factor, I mean some outside source that caused harm. Did you clean the viv out with a cleaning agent and maybe all of it did not rinse off? Was the viv reused? Maybe you bought the viv new, yet did not clean it out and something was in it? I am really just hypothesizing here. I do not know what happened, and [more than likely] it was not your fault. I am just trying to jog your memory in case you did or did not do something, so that your next snake may have a better future.
thank you :)

how could i be unlucky twice in a row though?...i had a snow corn for 4 months and he died out of no where..it took me 2 month to decide to get a nother one and it just died in 2 days...i wasnt discouraged the first time it happened, i was upset as hell but i still decided to get another but now i am and i really feel like it was my fault
danvega - i used this tank/viv before, and i made sure i cleaned it before useing it again, also everything i put in there as well(hides water bowl)...i cleaned it with white vinager and made sure i washed it all away before even buying her...i was told that it wouldnt hurt a snake but to make sure i rinced all the vinager away
A lot of people on the forum use vinegar, so I do not think that is the problem. Getting two snakes in row that both had a fatal disorder would be unlikely, yet not impossible--especially if you got them from the same store/breeder---then they may have caused the external factor problem or the snakes came from the same gene pool. Anyways, I think some more on it. Any more details could help too. Did your snakes look dehydrated?
the were from the same store, but different breeders..i dont think she looked dehydrated but i dont really no how a snake dehydrated would look, her skin wasnt "rinkley" if thats what it would be

umm she was hatched june 3rd, shed the first time june 9th and ate for the first time june 10th and after that she ate every 7 days then 4 days( so 7,4,7,4 ect), and shed again july 12th and after july 23 she only ate once a week...thats all i no about her till she was sent to the store August 27th, she ate every saturday and shed 2-3 more times i think(for get what the guy said)

does that help?
I'm sorry for your loss(es). Having any pet die is always a bummer, and especially after two days.

88 sounds too warm for my tastes, but then that's an opinion. I don't like mine getting any warmer than 85 if I can help it. The cool side doesn't sound too bad.

What were you using to heat the cage with? And are you absolutely certain it was only 88? What were you using to measure temps and where did you place said thermometer?

The reason I ask is, the gaping mouth sounds like it may have been getting too warm.

Another thing that comes to mind is a respiratory infection. They will gape their mouths to breathe because their nostrils are clogged up. But usually you will hear a hissing, popping, clicking noise and could possibly see them blowing bubbles. Just remember your symptoms when you have 'stuffy-uppers'.

Also, what sort of substrate did you have? Aspen is prefered, as it has no aromatic oils (stuff that makes it smell good to humans). Pine can be used by some people, but I personally wouldn't use it. And cedar is a definite no-no altogether.

The speed at which it died make me think it wasn't anything you necessarily did wrong. Sometimes hatchlings die for no apparent reason, sometimes its inadequate conditions before they were sold, it could be any combination of factors really. But after two failed attempts from this petstore, I wouldn't be going back any time soon. There are quite a few people in Canada that sell quality healthy stock, most petstore animals are culls or rejects for the most part.

Hopefully your next attempt has a happier ending. Again, I am terribly sorry for your loss.
Thank you :) ..and it is. Right now im not tired at all and i have a huge test im parenting to take tomorrow that right now im really not up to taking...

i had it at 87 yesterday and someone told me to put it up a digree or two..and im almost 96% sure that it was only 88
(i marked where i checked the temp)

from those spots the temp was at

cold side
by glass: 75.5F
by hide: 77.1

middle: 79.8

warm side
by hide 85.2
by glass: 87.0

she was in the warm side for a while today then went to the cold side, but then went back to the warm side and thats where she stayed...I was using a indoor/outdoor thermomerter with a probe(called Springfield Wireless Remote Thermometer)

i was using Super Shavin's (hemlock, spruce and fir)..its suppose to be better then aspen(or so it says on the bag), and im only using it cuz the store was out of aspen and i had it for my guinea pigs as well(which cant use pine as well)

and im pretty sure im not gonna get another snake from there
I agree with Taceas. Don`t go back to the petstore. Always choose a breeder.
Corns are hardy snakes that can survive quite a range of temps without problem.
It could be that someone is offloading problem snakes onto this petstore.
I usually find that once a hatchling starts eating, theres no stopping them.
I`ve only been keeping and breeding corns for 5 years, but to date have not had 1 casuallty. And I wouldn`t say I was that obsessed with cleanliness or feeding regime either.
What i`m saying is a healthy snake will not die easily.
Don`t give up, but before you make your next purchase, ask to see it feed before you buy.
I'm so sorry that your snake died. I think you have some good input from Taceas. I can't imagine you could have done anything wrong in the few days you had your snake to have it die so quickly. The only thing that came to my mind was if there was some unknown chemical near the snake that you weren't aware of. Sometime apartment managers have apartments sprayed and folks here have lost snakes because they weren't aware.

At any rate, it sounds like you did the best you could in the short time you had her. I agree that you are best off getting a new one from a breeder. Please don't let it discourage you from having a wonderful pet. If I had to guess, I would think your snakes had picked up something from the pet shop you purchased it at and probably were already sick. Even if they were from different breeders, if the shop didn't resolve the problem internally, it may not even know they have something spreading to their reptiles. Best of luck to you, and I hope you will in time find the courage to get a new one.