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Please Help!

Snake Queen

rakes snock!
I'm posting this here because I really don't know where else to put it... :wavey:

So, I have been running a corn snake website called "The Cornsnake Site" at the address www.stormpages.com/dracoslair/Snakes/cornsnakes.html. It had been up and running for about 4 years, and this October, I decided to get a paid domain.

My new site is CarolinaCornSnakes.com! And I am very glad that I got the new server.

Here is where I need your help.... I had a redirecting link on the homepage of the old website. HOWEVER.... the Stormpages people decided to delete one of the servers, and now The Cornsnake Site has reverted to a 2003 version (an emarrassingly crappy version) and I am not able to log in to add a redirect to Carolina Corn Snakes.

The Cornsnake Site page continues to show up on the first page of a google search for corn snake, and continues to get hundreds of hits a day.... but I am embarrassed to have that old crappy site seen more than the new one.

I just need some help trying to change people's bookmarks, or if any of you have my site on your links page, to change the link.

The Cornsnake Site at http://www.stormpages.com/dracoslair/Snakes/cornsnakes.html
has become
Carolina Corn Snakes at http://www.carolinacornsnakes.com

Thanks to you guys for any help, and btw, the guestbook page is not working. :cheers: