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Please HELP!!!!!


New member
Please help anyone

I just got a new Corn snake its still a hatchling it has shed ones and ate its first meal but a tick is inbedent on the EYE nder the skin bellow the eye is there any solutions And could this be FATAL??????:(
sorry!:( :( that sucks but i dont know what to say, i dont know much about that. but there are alot of smart people here that will tell you what to do.

good luck

A tick?

Where would you baby corn get a tick for one? These don't just "pop up" on captive bred animals unless they are exposed to wild caughts somehow.

Is your corn wild caught? Are you sure its Captive bred?

For a tick in that delicate area I would honestly advise against trying to remove it yourself and maybe take it to a vet if the tick is in fact so close near or on the eye. Which is a weird place for it to be in the first place.

You should also get a fecal done. If it has ticks, and its W.C. than it most likely has internal parasites as well which will need to be treated.

Definately take him to a vet. Ticks aren't fatal, and most come off with a couple of sheds but ticks can pass on infections. Your vet will be able to deal with it appropriately. If you have any other reptiles, I would quarantine the snake til it is treated.

Never had one, on me or my babies, but dude(tte), that would suck a lot! But yes, like rachel said, they do pass on infections and other such harmful things. My knowlege on tick is confined to books. I'm sorry to hear about your problem.

Keep us updated!
You can remove the tick with tweezers. Make sure you remove all of the tick (head & all) so infection doesn't get started. If you don't feel comfortable removing it because of the location (eye socket) then I'm sure a vet will remove it for you. Another hint is to put a bit of Vasaline over the tick cutting off it's air supply and it will release in order to breath then you can pluck it off:)
Hey, I've never heard of the vaseline trick! Sounds alot nicer than the ones I've been told: alcohol...they get drunk ;) and fall off!! (kidding), and burning them! I tried burning one that was on my dog (you have to shave around the tick so it doesnt set fire to your pet!!) and I heard this squeak. I think it was the tick screaming...I'm burning, I'm buuurning...goodbye cruel world! :D