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New member
Hey...i have a silly question. How often do snakes poop? I've had mine about two weeks now...she's ate 4 pinkies in that time...she's definately drinking water...but i never see any poop. Not in her hides, along the corner of the tank...or anything? Should i start to worry? :(
She's pooping- you just can't find it! I have a snake, hatched 08/06, got her in early November, and I saw the first poo from her last week...

oh, ok, haha! phew! If i can't find her poop, how often should i change her substrate then? Originally, i was just going to scoop it out and change it every 2 or 3 weeks...but i don't want her lingering in her own feces :(
Just look through it- like sift through it with your hands and see if you see any tiny black smears. Changing it every few weeks is plenty.

My snake that I rarely find poo from is around 50 grams, I think. Same thing with my Eastern Hoggy- just barely over 50g, and I've just started finding tiny poos.

Now when the 460 and 760 gram snakes go- you know the minute you walk into the room!!
