Mike, I suppose that would depend on how much of the tail you're saying that will be lost. If it is only a small part of the tail end, it shouldn't interfer at all with breeding. But, obviously, if the snake has almost all the tail fall off, then that would make things difficult, especially if it was a male. But again, animals are pretty adept at finding ways to work around things if they have to so I would say.....time will tell.
Obviously, if enough was missing so it may cause problems with laying eggs, that would be a different story too, I just wouldn't breed it at all.
But from the way you worded things I am assuming this is a tail tip loss so it should be anything to even worry about. Just make sure you put something on the tip of the tail when the end falls off, like neosporine or something, to make sure no infections set in.
Good luck.