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Possible new pick up. Looking for opinions.


New member
I found a local person selling a corn snake. I think it's a snow? She's looking for $40 for him and set up which is a good deal... I'm just unsure.

The tank he's in isn't very good I don't think. It's pretty open. I'd probably move him to a tub. I have all the other equipment already.

She says he's about 18 months and is eating live or frozen mice.

Opinions? I think it's a pretty good deal. I've just had bad experiences buying from non-breeders. My first corn died. But for $40... the tank is probably worth that much lol.

These are the pics she sent:


He looks a bit thin to me. And yeah, he looks like a snow. $40 is a good deal for a snake with a tank if it's a snake you like.
He looks a bit thin to me. And yeah, he looks like a snow. $40 is a good deal for a snake with a tank if it's a snake you like.

I'm quite in love with snows. I think he does look thin and his environment needs some help. I think if he gets a nice new tub with regulated temps and hides and proper meals he'll get there :)

What size mice would a snake like this take? I have a new box of pinkies in the freezer from my last corn that passed... They'd probably be too small for him, right??
It's hard to judge size without anything for reference, but he does look too big for pinkies to me.
However, if he is thin, start him on one pinky so you don't shock the system... Do that for 3-4 weeks, then up to 2 pinkies... Do that for another 3 weeks, see how his system handles it. After that you can upgrade to a fuzzy, again for 3 weeks depending on how the system handles it and then whatever approrpiate size he should be on. Faster than that and it can be bad for him, I would also get benebac for him as well.. after a fast his gut flora can be off... Good luck with him!
Thanks for the advice!

She's not being very forthcoming with why she's selling him. I've asked a few times. She also offered to give me a Florida king snake for free which is weird...

I might take him anyway but I'm still unsure. I'll wait and see if she tells me why. I'm just not at a point where I'm ready to deal with any agressiveness or anything like that.
IF you have other snakes be cautios... he may have a disease and she don't want to take him to the vet either. If you have no other snakes then you can take a risk.
I do. I have 2 ball pythons. I would quarantine in a different room but I really don't want to risk my babies...

I'm starting to think maybe I should hold off even if I really want him lol.
You can always go and meet him, look out for crypto signs.. That would be my first and biggest concern. Worms/parasites are usually annoying but fixable.

if he's aggressive then you can choose, cause when I look at the pic and it COULD Be the light becaue pic is crappy but it almost looks like a small bump on the right hands side in the curve but that could be the spine/light/angle/fuzzy picture too... but sign of crypto would be a swollen bump, skinny and food refusal regurgiation when disease is further on. HOWEVER look at the snake live because that pic is super bad... and I might very well be super wrong but Im paranoid..

Besides he does look like he's suffering there... I would go and meet him and potentially take him home.. but Im a silly dummy..
It looks to me that the snake has retained skin from a shed in the upper side of the picture. There are some weird shades there, seems skin. The lump may be a feeding, as well.

You can consider taking it anyway just to save the poor thing... But seeing it live definitely would help you. Unless he has some serious illness like the crypto you can surely recover it.
I thought the skin looked stuck too... you could fix that. For $40 she's probably lost interest, doesn't feed it much any more, just wants to get rid of it. I'd go for it and quarantine carefully.
At that price, go for it. Quarantine him, get 3 or 4 meals into him, and then medicate him. I reckon that will sort him out.
I'm just worried about diseases! I know nothing about diseases... Don't know how to look for them. I have 2 ball pythons and I would be devastated if a rescue snake infected them with something...

I would quarantine in a different room but would that be enough?
Also, she did get back to me. It was her son's but he moved out and didn't want to take the snake so she's stuck with it. I guess she just wants to get rid of him.
Quarantine in a different room and wash hands with soap after touching and don't share any equipment back & forth. Son losing interest sounds like a best case scenario for a skinny snake IMO.