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Potty training your corns?


Must learn Parseltongue!
*returns to the forum after a long hiatus*

Just curious if anyone out there has attempted or accomplished the task of getting their corns to go potty when you want them to.

I discovered that when I let my corn slide around on the floor she goes to the bathroom within minutes (I assume so that she can increase her mobility skills). It's not getting her to use a toilet or anything (i.e. I just slide some papertowel under her cloaca when she starts to lift her tail), but I like it a lot more than finding feces in her viv and it usually guantees that she won't have anything left to expel on me when I handle her afterwards.
Snakes can't be potty trained. They don't have the reasoning capacity to learn that task. What you have done is recognized that certain stimuli will cause her to eliminate, and the signs that she is about to go. In effect, she has potty trained you!

Not that there's anything wrong with what you are doing...
lol, well yes! I spose I should have named the thread "Does your corn have YOU potty trained?"...but I still find it intriguing and am curious of other "stimuli" people may use (aside from putting them in water for constipation issues). I read a story a while back of a guy that had his constrictor trained to go when held over a toilet and it just got me curious (obviously he just knew when the snake was going to defecate and held it over said toilet for an easier clean up).
i dont think it quite counts as training, but my housemates corns always seem to want to poo about 2 mins after being taken out of their viv ;)

Maybe they figure "i dont want that stinky poo in my house, so ill do it in yours", or more likely the general moving-around-due-to-being-handled stimulates them....
I just bring my corn out 2 - 3 days after it feeds and keep her over a piece of newspaper, it goes within minutes.
Jordan G said:
I just bring my corn out 2 - 3 days after it feeds and keep her over a piece of newspaper, it goes within minutes.

Wow, that pretty much counts eh?

I was going to say that wether they can be trained or not will probably never be known because who is able to be there always for the one time a week they choose to poop?
Mine never poop inside there hide mind you, I think they have an instict to keep their home clean. One of them has pooped half ways up the wall of it's viv once. It left a nice long poopy streak al the way down the side.
Funny that I'm reading this thread...just as C.S. decided to poo on a table in my classroom after cruising for a half hour. Strange thing is, he is due for his next feed (he last ate 2 weeks ago). I didn't think it would "keep" this long.
From what I've experienced so far, snakes are NEVER 100% empty of fecal matter, hence why I try to get them to go before I start handling them.
DinoNeill said:
From what I've experienced so far, snakes are NEVER 100% empty of fecal matter, hence why I try to get them to go before I start handling them.

Hehehe i recenrly started doing a similar thing after getting pooed on 3 times in 1 day, and then twice the next day (by 5 diff snakes) - now whenever i get a snake out of its viv i always lift their tail and check for a bump... if they need to go, they dont stay out for long ;)
This thread is funny... I have never been pooped on by any of my snakes. But one time I was handling my rtb and I could literally hear it coming so I put her on a piece of news print and.. well you can guess what happend. It really is disgusting when a snake decides to deficate on their heat pads though. The smell is the worst.
PnyKlr said:
Funny that I'm reading this thread...just as C.S. decided to poo on a table in my classroom after cruising for a half hour. Strange thing is, he is due for his next feed (he last ate 2 weeks ago). I didn't think it would "keep" this long.
Hey Jade! I'm surprised he waited that long to go. I thought you were going to a once a week schedule so that the kids could see a feeding more often. Glad to hear he's decorating the furniture for ya!
Let's see, I had mine crap in my hand, on my floor and in my pants, so far (If your curious about the pants, which I would be, she crawled up my leg when I was sitting in a chair and left a present that I did not notice until I stood up)
My oldest one always goes in the same spot, the back corner of the cold side, so it's pretty easy to clean up. Just take all the subtrate out of that corner.

My other one i've only had for a few weeks and she's still a baby so it's hard to find, lol.
well i have decided i dont think my sammy likes me much anymore, its now everysingle time that i handle him he poops on me and i mean every time, he has pooped on me 3/4 times now in the past couple of weeks and i really am starting to think that it is his way to show that he doesnt like me....

although i am making sure that i dont put him back straight away coz then its operant conditional learning. he learns that if he poos on me then he gets to go home, but i need to show him tht he cant use that as a tool

i just wish hed stop pooing on me... do i smell like a toilet... :cry: :cry: :cry: