Corny Noob said:
Having a cool big snake to impress your friends
Good enough reason for me... :grin01:
Nah, I wouldn't powerfeed... I don't think...
But anyways, back to the main topic. The Munson Plan is the generally accepted feeding plan for corn snakes. However, to save money, some people will use a maintenence diet for feeding. The snakes aren't fed as often (maybe 7 days at a time) to conserve money for mice. Others use powerfeeding, which can be done for a couple of reasons. One is to buff up a female before and/or after breeding. Another is to make a 'stronger' stock. By overfeeding the hatchlings, you change the growth rates, and make the snake bigger, essentially. This really is only practical at a young age, though, seeing as the snake will grow in length for a bit, but then afer that just get fat. Reason three- just ignorance of proper feeding. And finally, reason four of mine is to con someone into thinking they're getting an older snake or something just dumb like that.
Also, there are people who's snakes just don't fit the Munson plan, and a powerfeeding schedule is what their snake needs or else it will loose weight. This also goes for the maintenence diet, some just need less food or they get fat.
In general though, pros and cons are pretty much as Corny Noob said, perhaps varying with the reason for powerfeeding.