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Praying Mantis


New member
Was outside on my deck enjoying the not so hot evening when I felt something crawling on my arm. Having been sick the last few days and having gotten a sunburn this past weekend, I assumed it was just me getting the chills, until I looked down and saw the tiniest praying mantis crawling on my arm, got a few pics of it (not great, while I have a good camera, my macro settings in the dusk, just arent up catching something so small) then let it go into the tree. Not exactly herping, but it was a cool find none the less :eek:


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How does one get so lucky to have a wee little praying mantis crawl up your arm to say hello. Very cool.
That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! May I save the pictures as long as I credit you? I'd love to show them to my nieces.
Those pictures are awesome!! You did a great job with those! One year we had hundreds hatch out around where we were living. The first time I saw one of the babies I had to stare at it for a long time before I was sure it was a mantis. It was only a little bigger than an ant.
That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! May I save the pictures as long as I credit you? I'd love to show them to my nieces.

Absolutely, you can, show them off.

How does one get so lucky to have a wee little praying mantis crawl up your arm to say hello. Very cool.

I am pretty sure we have a nest, sack, eggs, (not sure what they are called) in a tree in our backyard that hangs over our deck, it was cool, glad I did not just smack it like I do with mosquitos :nope:
I recently ordered one of those egg masses :)
I'm gonna hatch them indoors, & when they're big enough, set them loose in my garden to eat the bugs :)
That would be so awesome! I'm glad you didn't just splat it either.
BTW, I think your pics turned out great, thanks for sharing them with us.
That is SO COOL!!! I love the first shot, looks like he's ready to fight your finger. :laugh:
Awesome pics. We get loads of mantises around our garden. I counted at least 6 egg sack/mass things in our bushes alone. The adults are handy, but the young are adorable. :D
This was the first mantis I have seen since moving to town 5 years ago, so it was neat seeing a baby running around. And (i just recently learned) they eat bugs which is great ! Yay for mantis babies:crazy02:
The big ones make great pets, we kids used to catch & keep them for the summer. We'd catch grasshoppers to feed to them & when they'd get scarce, buy feeder crickets. However we never could manage to keep the little ones alive more than a few weeks & eventually quite trying.
VERY kewl! I had two "ootheca" on our patio a couple of years ago now. They mysteriously disappeared as I waited for the bitty ones to come out... :( Wish I could have seen them. I'm sure my pics wouldn't have been as GREAT as yours are. VERY good pics and I love how you included things to give us a real sense of scale. :) Kudos!