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Depends oh what morph you are looking at. Basic morphs (Normal, Anery, Amel) can be as low as $10-$20, other morphs can be a few hundred dollars. The Palmetto, is the most expensive, with visuals and hets both being in the thousands. I believe hets are about $2,000 and visuals around $7,000..?
The Palmetto, is the most expensive, with visuals and hets both being in the thousands. I believe hets are about $2,000 and visuals around $7,000..?

2015 visuals are at 4k now, though throwing in even basic color morphs like anery or amel adds about another 1k per gene. Part of me wishes I'd gone for the amel, as I was offered an excellent price for one, but I don't really have plans to do any palmetto projects with amel for a while yet.

But yes, some of the most basic morphs you can occasionally find for as low as $5-10 at some reptile shows. On average, most morphs that interest me (typically 2-4 gene combos) tend to fall in the $200-400 range.
I've noticed in my local mom-and-pop pet store the corns are all about $100. (Most of their snakes seem to be that price, ball pythons and kingsnakes too.) I've noticed on Kingsnake.com, locality corns are $50-65, and the shipping is usually another $50.