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Probed twice as a female and once as a male and breeding questions


New member
I bought a female Corn snake a few months ago...the guy said she was a female...I probed her when she got here and she probed a female I was looking to breed her with my bubblegum male and re-probed her to make sure she was indeed a female but she probed as a male how is that possble for her to be a female twice and then probed a male? Also When breeding how do you know when the female is ready to breed...will a male and female "fight" if one is not willing to breed? Both are over 350 grams and atleast 4 feet long. Also is breeding season only now or will corn snakes breed towards the end of the year also?
Thanks in advance
Some times you can sex a corn snake by the length of its tail, this however is no accurate means of being 100%. As for breeding at different times of the year, im not sure. First pic. male. Second pic. female. Note how a male's tail is longer than the females.


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Okay so I have been reading posts and seen a few other ways to tell if its a male or female....I tried counting the pairs of scales on her tail, She has 65 pairs. And since she is really light colored i held a flashlight to her tail and did not see a vein or anything. Everything I have done says shes a female except when i last probed her I would trust probing more then the other methods so I guess I will have to have someone with more experience probe her/him at the next expo.
Sometimes when you probe snakes they will contract the muscles and the probe will stop too early. I have sexed corns that have probed male in one pocket and female in the other, but whith gentle pressure they usually losen up.

Perhaps thats what happened in this case?
That's what I'm thinking, too. Sometimes they can tense up and the probe will stop prematurely making you think its female when in fact its male.. Plus females will have a harder "stop" and males will be a little "squishier" if the depth of probing is ambigious.
Probing as male is pretty definitive, except .. it is possible to injure a female through probing, after which she can probe as male. Is there any chance she was injured during the second or third probing?
We did try both sides and she probed male on both sides last week...Maybe she was contracting her muscles and we thought she was a female. Im not going to take any chances putting him/her with my male...They would most likely fight. I will just have to get her probed again by someone more experienced and breed him/her next year!! Thanks for your help!!
Yea i was afraid to probe them at first but after i was showed how to do it, It was pretty simple!!
Probing a snake is pretty stressful. I try not to probe them on a weekly basis.

I suggest that you just put them together. If you have a m&f and they are in the mood you will see the mating behavior right away. If nothing happens after half an hour or so take them apart and rethink.