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Projekt Duplex


Kahn's Mommy
Alright, well I finally told my ma about my 2 snakes (actually...she doesn't know they are already in the house...she knows they are 'coming' though.) So part of the deal with me being able to keep my snake at her house (even when I'm away at school (!!!!yay!!!!) is that I have to get rid of my 4 fish tank in my room (yes, I love fish) which is extremely hard, but its either snakes or fish...and well...you know how that goes. lol. :bang:

So one of my fish tanks is a 55g tank and stand. I'm going to turn that into a duplex for Kahn and the baby. I've never set up a reptile tank this large, esp since I'll be spliting it up into two compartments. I'm going to need your help!

My 1st question is: heating arrangements and UTHs. I have 10-20g UTH mounted on the sides of the snakes' 10g tanks now. Can I reuse these heaters? They are stuck with adheseive to the glass, would I be able to peel them off (carefully) and reuse them on the split 55g? Each area would be 24Lx12.5Wx20H.

Which set up with would be best? 1 2 or 3 (the red blocks are the UTH.)


Sorry about my sad attempt at a model image. LoL. :cool:

So far the fish are still in the tanks, but they'll be gone this week. :cry:
I'm not sure if you can reuse the UTH's, because usually, pulling them off after having stuck them on will bend the heating coils.

As for placement, I would suggest #1. It would be the more logical, because of the fact that it would give both snakes a cool, and warm side. The other two seem to conflict with that...
#2 might work, but having both UTH's that close can cause more heat, if the heat becomes combined...
#3 seems to me that it would cause heat on the cooler side of one snakes area, due to the fact of the right side's UTH being basically in the middle.
I have something similar, I put a divider in the middle and a UTH in the middle so each side sits over half of it. Kind of like your # 2 but only one UTH (the biggest one I could find)
With pic # 3 it seems like the first snake's cool side would be too close to the warm side for the second snake so I wouldn't do it that way if it were me.
Hope the fish go to good homes... Good luck!
Well, splitting the 55 gallon tank in half will now be a 22.5 tank so the uth for the20 gallon should be fine for one side but the ten might be too small :shrugs: .I was thinking of splitting the UTH in the center for both sides. But to save a buck for now duck tape both uth side by side in the center for now and see if the temps work out for you.
I think any of the setups would work, and I've carefully pulled off uth's and reused them. Now I attach them to a piece of glass from a picture frame (I get an 8 X 10 at the 99 cent store) so that I can change tanks without ruining the uth.
Lennycorn said:
Well, splitting the 55 gallon tank in half will now be a 22.5 tank so the uth for the20 gallon should be fine for one side but the ten might be too small

Both UTH are the same size, they are just for 10-20 gallon tanks. So far the only thing I'm going to need to buy is the screen cover for the 55g tank...oh yes...and a probe thermometer!

MegF. said:
I think any of the setups would work, and I've carefully pulled off uth's and reused them. Now I attach them to a piece of glass from a picture frame (I get an 8 X 10 at the 99 cent store) so that I can change tanks without ruining the uth.

What if I use fishing line or floss to wriggle between the glass and the UTH? Then I won't be bending the heater. (I've done that technique and it works very well shaving the badges off my car without bending them, LoL. :grin01: )

One more question....would this split 55g tank be big enough to house with adult snakes? (right now they are still babies.) The measurements for each side would be 24Lx12.5Wx20H. If not, I have a 29g tank in my basement as well to set up later thats a little bigger than a 20g Long tank. So one snake would have 55g tank and the other would have 29g tank.
Hey i think the fishing line idea is great and i bet it would work. Good job thinking outside the box there.

I would go with diagram #2 seems with the central heat and both have the other sides as cool zones. What are you going to use to divide the tanks?
cowboyman13 said:
I would go with diagram #2 seems with the central heat and both have the other sides as cool zones. What are you going to use to divide the tanks?

I'm still debating. I'm probably going with a big thick sheet of poster board (like one of those tri-folded display boards) and just cut it to the right size. Then when it gets dirty and I can just toss it and buy another one cheaply. I would use a sheet of plywood...but when that get dirty I don't want to have to worry about cleaning it and having chemicals get locked up in the wood and have them harm my snakes.

When I get the extra $$, I'm probably going to do a more permanate separator. I was thinking of getting two sheets of plastic cut to fit the tank...then siliconing them in and leaving maybe a half an inch between them so I can just slip an opaque separator in between, and then I won't have to worry about cleaning the plastic, it'll be much easier...and I can even paint the opaque seperator with pretty forest scenes for my boys. LoL.
This is bad, I've moved m UTH 2 times, and i've felt the temp in it go down, does this mean it's time to get a new one, and another quistion, I have my UTH on the other side of the tank where the light bulb isnt at. should I move it to the light bulb side?

-confused Jessica
danigurrl said:
I'm still debating. I'm probably going with a big thick sheet of poster board (like one of those tri-folded display boards) and just cut it to the right size. Then when it gets dirty and I can just toss it and buy another one cheaply. I would use a sheet of plywood...but when that get dirty I don't want to have to worry about cleaning it and having chemicals get locked up in the wood and have them harm my snakes.

I wouldn't do that. I would think it would be too easy to knock over or for the snakes to get around it. You might wake up one morning to find Kahn in the baby's side and the baby in Kahn!

If you can't afford a permanent divider, I recommend you leave them where they are until you can.
BeckyG said:
I wouldn't do that. I would think it would be too easy to knock over or for the snakes to get around it. You might wake up one morning to find Kahn in the baby's side and the baby in Kahn!

If you can't afford a permanent divider, I recommend you leave them where they are until you can.

I made a divider out of a cardboard box and wrapping it up in packaging paper and WEDGING it into the tank. Its not moving. Then I used the edge of a fork to make sure there were no gaps on the bottom or along the sides of it where the baby could squeeze through. I'll be keeping an eye on them for the next week or so to make sure everything is set.

I've been working on this tank since 10am this morning! hahaha. It took me 2 hours to clean it! It should be done soon.
I just realized how hilarious your signature is........but it's not "ha ha" funny...it's funny because it's true. I mean, we can all use more closet space, right?

Chris Olson
All Done!!!

Wow....I've been working on this since 10am. Within this time I've gotten rid of my fish ( :cry: ), emptied the tank, took out the 50 lb of rocks, cleaned the entire tank, put away the filtration system and all the other aquarium equipment, ran out and bought a large UTH and screen cover, built a separator, put all the snake stuff in there, and finally the snakes are in there too! Wow this has been a long day!

Ignore my messy bed, I'm too tired from working on this tank all day to properly make my bed, LoL. Also ignore the background in the tank, for now I'm just leaving my fishy background.


Eh sh*t. In all my excitement about this tank I completely forgot about the quarentine. :bang: :headbang: :punch: :awcrap: :poke: :twohammer
The tank looks great! Just a minor suggestion, it looks to me like the top of the tank is two pieces with room in the middle, if you needed more stability, you could cut a "hang over" notch in the cardboard, and hang it over the lip of the tank.
Pumilio said:
The tank looks great! Just a minor suggestion, it looks to me like the top of the tank is two pieces with room in the middle, if you needed more stability, you could cut a "hang over" notch in the cardboard, and hang it over the lip of the tank.

Do you mean the cover? The cover is just once piece. :) Theres a plastic piece at the top of the tank too, because the aquarium had 2 fitted covers.