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Psychic Powers ON POINT!


New member
Hi All,
Yesterday was Feeding Day for 3/4 of my snakes. I also did a bit of spot cleaning and changed out water bowls, but I didn't really spend a lot of time in the snake room.

So, I had a little trouble falling asleep last night and I finally gave in and took a Valium. I finally drifted to sleep around 1 am.

At 2:37 am I bolted awake feeling like something was wrong! I immediately checked my phone (thinking that maybe something was wrong with my elderly parents) but no calls. Then, out of the blue, a little voice in my head (yes, I have them and occasionally listen to them ;) ) said, "Check the snake room".

Sure enough, as soon as I opened the door I saw a snakes tale slipping into the floor vent!

I rushed over and unscrewed the cover JUST in time to grab her before she disappeared forever!

Now if I can just figure out where the on-off switch for my (obviously) immense psychic powers are....

Wow, that's awesome!

I wish I had those same psychic powers last September. I have floor vents all over my house. They all have window screening on them after losing Dolly. I have to vacuum trapped dust from time to time, but it is worth the peace of mind.

You are right about being in the nick of time. I'm so happy you were able to rescue your little escape artist!
Thanks DollysMom! Our downstairs part of the house has the vents in the ceiling, and it slipped my mind that they were in the upstairs rooms. I FINALLY moved the rest of my bunch into the new upstairs snake-room yesterday. When I get home today I will be putting screening into those vents!

I don't know that I actually believe in "psychics" but I DO believe in intuition! My mother and I have this thing where we each just "know" when something is wrong with the other. And I ~swear~ that one time when my son first joined the navy, I "heard" him cry out for me. It turned out later, that he had broken his ankle that day... :-o

I just wish my intuition was good enough to find those 2 baby king snakes that remain loose downstairs :( but I keep hoping!

Oh Beau, I didn't realize you have two missing snakes. My heart is with you and I hope you find them soon.

Psychic powers or intuition, whatever you call it, I'm over the moon it was there for you last night!
Yes, <sigh> I stupidly allowed 2 king snakes to escape RIGHT after I found my last missing snake...(ref. OMG LOSING MY MIND thread lol).

I think senility must be setting in...
Wow!!! How lucky! My hognose got out of his viv once (and only once...) due to my not latching the lid properly (stupid thermometer wires) and he was gone for *honestly* I'm not sure...at least a day, maybe a couple? And the room I had my snakes in was the open dining room that had a door to the garage, a floor vent and loads of crap...Once I noticed my mistake I ransacked that room (my ex would've flipped out had he known...) and I found him on the complete opposite side of the room (how he didn't slip down the floor vent I will never know, not to mention my reptile murdering cat...) buried under and behind all of said crap as happy as his little self could be...........................super mega panic attack and I am ultra anal about keeping his viv secured now....