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Pyro is gone


New member
Pyro is dead.
I found him dead today when i woke up.
I dont think i will be getting another snake but i might get a 2 year old albino anmealistic ( i prolly mispelled that) corn that ive had my eye on for quite a while.
Sorry to hear that

I would highly recommend reading all the books on snakes as pets such as The Cornsnake Manual by Kathy and Bill Love before venturing on with another snake. Do some research on their care and try and figure out why Pyro died. Was it heat blisters, blister disease from wet conditions? Learn all you can and avoid making the same mistakes.
And be sure you have an extra $50 or so set aside, just in case it needs to see a vet! Amelanistics are snakes lacking black pigment, not true albinos, in spite of red eyes, etc. Their care is no different than any other morph. Good luck and be prepared before you go give snake-keeping another shot.
I am truly sorry to hear that you lost your snake. I agree with what elrojo posted, do some research, look for answers. Experience is the best educator, unfortunately this had to be a bad experience, but sometimes they are the best teachers.

Before anyone else has a chance to jump all over you, I hope the 2 year old amel you are talking about is a gift from somebody. As I recall you didn't quite have the money for a vet visit . . .

The store i would get him from even if i did get him is givving him for free because nobody wants him, ive asked them to hold him while i Decide. also my dad let his freind borrow a 55 gallon tank a while ago and now his freind is don with it so I get to uses it

I am terribly sorry to hear about Pyro. I wish things had gone differently for you. I agree with elrojo, too. Please make sure that you do some research so that hopefully this can be avoided next time.

Since you are going to be getting a larger tank if you get the amel snake, be certain that you bleach the tank really well. I would fill the tank, put in the bleach and let it sit for several hours. I'd also wipe down the outside of the tank with a diluted bleach solution. Then, be sure to rinse the tank well. There should be NO bleach smell left. After rinsing, you may need to let the tank air out for a day before putting the new snake in it. You will also need to disinfect EVERYTHING (water bowl, hides, etc.) that Pyro used if you are going to re-use it.

Good luck!

I only returned to my internet acces today, and read all the posts pertaining to your situation. I wish to offer you my condolences, as no matter what anyone may say, no life is "throw-away".

Not to long ago I had a corn escape. He was a gorgeous creamsicle named Thorne. I only had him a few weeks, but was very attached to him as creams are my absolute favorites, and I had not had the opportunity to own one for the first year or so that I was keeping corns (there aren't many breeders in my area).

Anyway, he escaped on me about 6 weeks into my owning him and I was terribly upset. I tore my house apart at least 5 times over the next month, and did smaller scale searches for him every day, I have cats, very nerve racking. Almost every week for the first three months, I went ahead and bought food for him and left it out in a makeshift trap, hoping to lure him out and have my little guy back with me again, but never had any luck. After a while, I slacked off in my efforts, assuming that he had gotten outside somehow and hoping that maybe I'd find him in the yard basking one day.

This weekend, my wife and I were expecting some out of town company, and I decided to clean out the pull out sofa-bed and put some sheets on it, knowing I'd be needing it later. My wife was helping me and as I pulled the old sheets off the bed she gasped, and immediately started to cry (she loves the snakes almost as much as I do). We had found Thorne. Apparantly he had wedged himself into the folded mattress somehow, and was either killed when someone sat down, or just didn't have the strength (he hadn't eaten in weeks by the time he died).

I suppose the moral of this story is twofold Pyro. 1) Learn from mistakes, don't ever give up on something that you love, it was obvious from your posts that you cared for your pet, and I see no reason that you shouldn't try again, perhaps when you have a few more resources at your disposal.

and 2) No life is disposable. No matter what anyone may tell you, don't ever let go of your caring. I've lost two corns now, and the next person who says to me "It's just a snake" or "The only good snake is a dead snake" or "It's not like its a dog or anything" might just get told off. They are my pets, I interact with them and I care for them.

I know that other post got kind of harsh, but please understand it for what it is, people caring, just like you do. Don't be discouraged, just have a better understanding of your limitations, and make sure you can overcome them before trying again.

I'll shut up now. Just never forget the way you loved that "disposable pet", and you'll be just fine.

That's horrible how people can think of snakes with so much hatred. I care for and love my snakes as much as any dog or cat.