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Quarantine vs Breed?


working in the Gulag
I have Icabod, who is from PJC. I've had him since last autumn. He is clearly healthy, and although off feed because he can smell the ladies in the apartment, I can't see any reason why that should be a stopper to breeding him. I have a girl, Rocket, who is big (sorry, I don't have the weight but she's 500+ with great muscle tone) & healthy & active, whom I got from someone here I consider reliable. She's been here, oh, about a month. She just shed, so might well be ready to go for a late breeding. How much of risk of disease am I really looking at if I give these 2 a chance to be together? Icabod CLEARLY wants to.

I think it would be fine, especially considering who you bought the animal from. I dont think Jay would sell a sick snake. Its really cool that you are following cautious procedures.
I wish more would,I expect they will once they learn why. I just reread that its the female thats new,you could find a reptile vet in your area and you could take a stool sample to him and have it checked.That usually only costs 15 bucks,so you might consider that first.
If you trust the source of the snake(s), then go ahead and take the very slight risk.
Consider the source of the animal you purchased it from. PJCReptiles is very reputable and I wouldn't hesitate to consider it. The key to alot of these situations is the reputation of the breeder.

Good Luck!

I too will vouch for Jay and PJ. I can't believe they would sell you a sick snake. I would go for it. Besides I hate to see the poor little fella going without.
It is a well know fact that if a male is unable to release his sperm the swimmers will back up into the spine. If he is unrelinquished long enough they will cause a cerebral hemorrhage and kill the animal. The death itself is relativity quick but the months of suffering that lead up to that point are a horror to witness.
Couldn't you just quarantine the happy couple? That way, you can at least keep their possible nasties out of the general population, as it were.

That is what we always tried to do with rat quarantine. If someone was iffy with their newness, quarantine the
cage, the group, the happy couple to reduce exposure and avoid leaving a kiddo alone/unbred.
Betsy, if you have access to a microscope I can walk you through a fecal flotation. It is easy to do. Internal parasites are pretty uncommon in captive bred snakes.
It is a well know fact that if a male is unable to release his sperm the swimmers will back up into the spine. If he is unrelinquished long enough they will cause a cerebral hemorrhage and kill the animal. The death itself is relativity quick but the months of suffering that lead up to that point are a horror to witness.

If this was the case, then why isn't hubby in extreme agony and on the verge of death right now? I could really use that insurance money.
Well Susan, maybe he has found a way to rectify the problem...????

Now I'm worried about you.
I say go for it. The really nasty stuff that keepers worry about can lay dormant for years so no period of quarantine will help.

I can vouch for PJ and Jay since they used my MBK Sunshine last year and I loaned her to them again this year.

You would know if the snake you have is overtly ill by now and the other things that can lay dormant and creep up on you are probably more prevalent than is realized. As you are well aware their are many parasites or other infections that can be carried in an organism and not cause problems until some other issue allows it to create illness.

Good luck with the breeding if you go for it!
Well, Icabod TRIED but Pretty just wouldn't let him get a lock going. I will give them a few days to digest then try again because Pretty wasn't actively struggling, just would not flag or let him wrap his tail correctly.