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question about tank size and snake growth


New member
hey, ive had my albino corn snake for about 9 months or maybe a little longer, I think ... I could be wrong, it was very small when I bought it and now its like 2 feet. its eating hopper mice. anyway, my question is.... if I move it into a 40 gallon breeder tank do u think the snake will grow faster because it has more space to move around ? its currently in a 20 gallon tank with a UTH and 50 watt heat light. I just added the heat light above the UTH spot cuase I thought it will grow faster if its warmer, but its always hiding under the water dish on the cool side of tank. and as it gets bigger and adult size I should move it into a 40 gallon breeder tank anyway right because isn't a 20 gallon too small for an adult ? I plan on taking it to the vet when It gets bigger for a check up and to find out if its boy or girl.
Snakes will grow regardless of tank size. Some people believe that they can keep a snake in a smaller tank and it won't ever outgrow it, but that is false. A 20 gallon long tank will work for an adult corn snake, but larger is better.

The only thing that will affect your corn snake's growth (besides its genetic predisposition) is its feeding schedule. A corn snake that is fed large, frequent meals will grow faster than one who is fed smaller, less frequent meals. Personally, I wouldn't try to make your snake grow too fast because I don't believe it is healthy for them.
You should get rid of the heat lamp. Cornsnakes don't need them and can cause them additional stress. The UTH alone is plenty to warm them up :)
You should get rid of the heat lamp. Cornsnakes don't need them and can cause them additional stress. The UTH alone is plenty to warm them up :)

^^^^^^^^^^^^This. Especially with "Albino" corns, the UV lamps can damage their eyes or even blind them. Corns don't "bask" like some other reptiles, they are nocturnal and don't need the heating lamp at all. The lamps can cause fires, break easily (and the bulbs cost a ridiculous amount), and have absolutely no good reason for being there.

And Irish is correct, as long as you keep the thermostat for your UTH at a steady temperature the snake will find the right spot. This is why I offer 3-4 toilet paper tubes or small boxes half hidden in the viv (besides the bigger hides at each end) but for the wee ones the tubes are great.

ok thanks everyone.... sorry I took so long to respond was busy, I am taking the heat light away after typing this and I do have a thermostat thing on the UTH its set at medium heat. and il keep it in the 20 gallon until it gets bigger then il move it to a 40 gallon. thanks again :)