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Question for you mouse breeders


New member
So at somepoint my dad is going to start breeding mice. We have done it before, but I always like to see how everyone else does it. While I was searching through the forums I have noticed that alot of people give there mice some type of block food along with a type of seed mix or something else. I thought rodent block had everything that the mice needed, thats all we used. So what benifit does adding extra stuff to the mix have?
I don't go out of my way to add seed etc to my rodents unless they are females. Supposedly one of the reasons mothers will eat their babies is due to nutrition related issues. When they're pregnant and taking care of young, I supplement with things like seed mixes. Haven't had any cannibalistic issues this year.
Peace of mind.....

Many of us treat our rodents as feeder/pets. (if that makes sense). Block food is perfectly fine for rodents. Mazuri and FMR make outstanding foods. "Some" mixes are cheaper than block, "Some" are not. Another thing is how easily can the block be obtained. Do you have drive an hour just to get it? How much gas is that? A lot of factors such as these determine how I and why I choose to make my own chow. I found a easily obtained, inexpensive dog food(with no dyes) with the exact same protein and fat content to act as a staple. Throw the mix in a few times a week as a treat. I get the same exact results as if I were buying the block food, which I would drive 30 miles to get in the next town over because my co-op cannot get it for me.
I feed a mix because the only block food avaliable here is Hartz which is basically junk and with the amount of rodents I feed way over priced. Plus they don't like it. I like getting creative with my mix and finding out what they like.
My base is 1-50lb bag of wildbird seed, 1-50lb bag of oats, 1-5lb bag of cat and/or dog food(no red dye), and other stuff like: rice, dehydrated veggies, dry pasta, dried bread(mostly crust and end pieces), cerals(cheerios, corn bran etc), dried peas, lentils, flax, etc. They eat better then I do lol!

I keep mice, asf's, dwarf hamsters , a gerbil and a syrian hamster. All get the mix and all look good, the ones I breed produce healthy offspring and hardly have any issues with them.
My logic, if you're only feeding a few snakes just go with seed mixes. I like to use Kaytee Forti-diet. I also supplement with things like a handful of quality dog kibble since I have it for my dogs anyway, and/or some dried mealworms. They really like mealworms, I've even seen them chase down and eat a fly that found it's way into their tank. The only time I have any trouble is if it gets too crowded, which is just a testament that my mice produce big healthy litters like crazy. They really like to nibble and shred timothy hay too.
Thanks guys for all the responses they really help.Ill see if I can convince him to add a little something something to the mix.
I feed pork grower and that is it. Sometimes I use dog food to distract the mothers so they don't tear the babies apart, but that is it.
If no one has mentioned already, we feed dog food as a bit of extra protein. Breeding females need the protein boost or they will cannibalize.