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if a blood red does not have any belly markings, what does this make her?



  • butterbellysmall.jpg
    57.1 KB · Views: 166
hey Jelle,

you forget the half of that story:D
it´s that: this animals comes from my butter blood red projekt.
the overall result was that (just pattern, not color)

85% of all hatchlings had STRONG belly pattern
5% had these rest belly pattern - alle the same
10% had no belly pattern
0% in between

if blood red is a simple rez. gen why i had these 5%
if blood red is selective bred why I don´t had 0% in between animals ...
so first thing for you is to breed this 1/2 blood red to a "real" blood red to see what will happen!
Daniel, was there any pattern with males/females having more/less belly pattern? I got that this year in a clutch of 13 where mom is bloodred, and dad is not... the females have normal bellies, the males are similar to that picture.
here you can see the difference between a normal and these reduced pattern animals. and I say that again - there was not one animal in between from someting like 60 or so ...


  • amelbelly.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 145
hmmmm....no one here who has an idea???
I thought about that a bit and now I see that the belly pattern is red. but the ventral pattern from the normal animals is cream/transparent. if you would reduce that pattern you would get some cream belly pattern but not pure red on white...
so what is going on there???
You are looking for black and white answers in a variable gray universe, unfortunately.

Blood Reds were a project created by Eddie Leach through selective breeding of animals found near the St. Augustine, FL area that tended towards this uniform coloration already. Selective breeding does not generate a genetic trait on it's own, so there is some question about what exactly a Blood Red really is. Did some genetic trait creep in there? Sometimes it acts like we are dealing with a single recessive trait, but in other respects it acts like it is just a "phase" much like Okeetee or Miami.

So when you outcross a Blood Red, the results from later generations is going to be rather problematical. Most people feel comfortable calling something "het for Blood Red", but in all honesty we really don't know if that is accurate or not. So when the F2s begin hatching out, you just don't get a black and white result where you can pick out the Blood Reds from the "not Blood Reds". There will be some that are "inbetweens" that you have to make a judgement call on what to call them.

Depending on what day of the week it is, I will call a baby corn that has some markings down the edge of the abdominal scutes either a "grade B Blood Red" or just a normal. And I may change my mind on those Grade B animals 20 times over the next few months as I observe them while cleaning and feeding.

As far as using plain, patternless bellies to determine if a cultivare is a Blood Red or not, don't do it. Not unless you know positively that the parent lineage has Blood Red in it. I have LOTS of completely unrelated to Blood Red stock animals that have full or partially patternless abdomens.

Even with this foreknowledge, I have started projects combining Blood Reds with other lines that are certain to drive me insane trying to figure out what the heck the later generation results are.

But I'm not going to the booby hatch alone. I'm taking you all with me....... :D