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Questions for someone genetically wise...


Addicted Member
What are the results of these breedings?
I appreciate any answers!

Lavender het for amel x Amel het Lav

Hypo Lav x Hypo het Lav

Snow het Lav x Amel het Lav

Snow het Lav x Lav het amel

Snow het lav x snow het lav

Opal x Snow het Lav

Opal x Amel het lav

Opal x Lav het amel

Anyone who could take the time to give me short, but accurate answers to these, I thank you immensly...I'm trying to learns and Mick's program won't work for me.
Dang corn thats alot of combos... but ill try my best to get most of them...

1. Lav het Amel X Amel het Lav=
1/4 Amel, Lav
1/4 Lav het Amel
1/4 Amel het Lav
1/4 Het both Amel, Lav

2.Hypo, Lav X Hypo het Lav=
1/2 Hypo, Lav
1/2 Hypo het Lav

3.Snow het Lav X Amel het Lav=
1/2 Amel het both Lav and Anery
1/4 Amel, Lav het Anery
1/4 Amel het Anery

4.Snow het Lav X Lav het Amel
1/4 Amel, Lav het Anery
1/4 Lav het Snow
1/4 Amel het both Lav and Anery
1/4 Both het Snow and Lav

AAA I dont remember what the Opals are??? what is there phenotype and ill get you your anwser...
CornsnakeKeeper said:
In all of the combos I listed, anery is only shown on one of the parent's side unless I get a pair with a hidden anery trait.

Then in those ones they will be het Anery from that side. It is easier, instead of saying "Snow" and stuff, if you list individual traits when crossing like that. That way, it doesn't require first deconstructing snow into "Anery and Amel" and you can see a lot more clearly which traits are matched up.

All of these traits inherit individually. The standard crosses are:

Normal X Normal -> 100% Normals.
Het X Normal -> 100% Normals (50% possible het)
Normal X Mutant -> 100% known hets.
Het X Het -> 25% mutants, 75% non-mutants (66% possible het)
Het X Mutant -> 50% mutants, 50% known hets.
Mutant X Mutant -> 100% mutants.

From there it's like slicing a pizza.

Figure out for one pair: for example, "Snow Het Lav X Lav Het Amel"

Amel Anery Het Lav X Lav het Amel (not het Anery)

1- The Anery cross is "Normal X Mutant" and will make all of them known het for Anery.

2- Lav X Het Lav will split the clutch down the middle: Half of them will be Lav, the other half het lav.

3- Amel X Het Amel will split the clutch in half again (half amel/half het amel) So we cut the pizza in half again, making it fourths...

Half of the Lavenders will be Amel, half of the lavenders will be het amel.

Half of the non-lavenders will be amel, half will be het amel.

And that gives you your four outcomes:

Lavender - Amel - Het Anery (Opal het anery)
Lavender - Het Amel - Het Anery
Het Lavender - Amel - Het Anery
Het Lavender - Het Amel - Het Anery


Do this a for a while and it will become second nature.
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I'd like to thank you for posting that Serp. That really helps a lot. When I start reading the genetics tutorials and stuff, it gets confusing easily. Thanks!
Oh I wish........2 things first that I had all those great snakes!:D
second that this stuff was second nature!!:cool:

Corn genetics..........oh how I wish I had paid more attention in school!!!!
