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Quicky question


New member
Hey guys, well i got the temps alright and had a successful first feeding!
Instead of two i fed her one pinkie, since it was the first time. She struck/ate quick, and i returned her to her cage, she went to her warm side hide and chilled out that night. When i woke up i couldnt see her so i decided to let it go since she was digesting, and i found out later shes back on her cool side hide burrowed under, which is her main hang-out spot. Is this ok? i thought maybe she just digested quickly because of the smaller meal. i dont know about the lump, she's still burrowed and i dont want to disturb her.
Sounds like normal behavior to me. Mine doesn't spend too much time on the warm side after eating.
My anery corn Striker barely ever spends time on the warm side...he seems to love his cool side hide..sounds pretty normal to me..
Agreed. If you have the warm and cool end temps right, then he'll choose what's best for himself.

Sounds like he's just doin' his thang!