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Rala the snake


New member
I caught her climbing on the cow bones and finally got a good picture. I just got her a few weeks ago and she is my first 'real' snake. By that I mean, I caught snakes when I was a kid and kept them for a while but didn't really know how to take care of them. I'm older and wiser now.


  • ralathesnake.jpg
    273.7 KB · Views: 79
Love ya snake and the Bones, umm i might go down to my local butchers and ask for some bones actually, is there a way you have to clean them or something?

very nice okeetee Ejay..........awesome coloration on that one.

Pet Corn Snake said:
is there a way you have to clean them or something?
if they have been out in the field for quite some time you would need to wash real good with soap and water and possibly even give it a quarantine time. if you are going to get one from a butcher, obviously you would need to remove any meat and boil it 3-4 times to remove any other matter that could still be involved. i wouldn't use bones, but if you are going to at least try the above.

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The bones were found on a friend's farm. They are very old and sun-bleached. My daughter did a science project on animal bones last year and they have been in a box ever since. I also have an old turtle shell that makes a great hide. I really didn't wash them that well other than to knock the dirt and cob webs off. I think I'll take them out and give 'em a good scrubbin' before I put them back in.