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Random photos...


That's for sale???
Took some of these around town....when the reptiles are sleeping....the birds are out!





Wow! I was expecting a few fuzzy to really good amateur photos. Although I am probably the only here that is good at taking fuzzy photos. Yours are just stunning. I loved every one. The first one just knocked me over and then it got better. Thanks for those!
Thanks everyone. The first is a pine warbler in the ice covered trees after our ice storm. The bridge is in an area called Phinizy swamp...well known as a big birding area and also has lots of snakes. It's a favorite of mine. The fence is my horse's turnout...taken the day after the ice storm as well. The dogs are mine....one is one of my ridgebacks and the other is my foster puppy. She loved the snow. The bluebird pair was taken after our first snow. They were snuggled together on the tree and he was keeping her warm with his wing. I loved it when it came out! The gray horse and the one of just the eye are client's horses. The horse at the barn is a thoroughbred training farm where I trim hooves on a horse there. The eagle is one of a breeding pair at a local Audubon reserve. I'm hoping the eggs survived the ice storm and branches falling everywhere. I was out there the other day and couldn't see any birds on the nest but I wasn't able to get as close as normal since the area is still pretty tore up.The black vulture was feeding on something with friends alongside the road while I was driving to a trimming appt. I keep my camera in my car all the time...never know when you'll see something!
Great Pics !

I love his " You got to be kidding!!" look on his face :laugh:
Same one on my face every time I step out the door....


  • pine worbler.PNG
    pine worbler.PNG
    111.9 KB · Views: 29
Okay, my honest opinion here. You should submit everyone of those to a high paying calendar company or a nature book, magazine whatever because everyone of those are amazing. Make your own and sell online. Your shots are much better than many I have seen for sale.
They do have attitude! Bluebirds are even worse! Thank you for the kind comments Myca! I still am in the learning process as far as photography but there are days when even I like my photos! Here is a link to my flickr page and that has some of the other photos I've taken. http://www.flickr.com/photos/franmarphotography/
Thanks! That's one of the throughbreds at the training farm. I think he's laid up for a tendon injury.