Believe The Hype!
I got a 20gl long Critter Keeper off craigslist for $30. One of the sliding screen clips was broken but it doesn't affect it at all, and it has a small tear in the screen. I cleaned up the part with the broken clip so it looks as if it came that way and the tear will be covered anyway to hold in humidity.
I plan to get my first Ball Python and put him in here but my question is should I fix the small gap where the clip was? Im guessing not, its only 1/4 inch and I know a bay corn could fit through But a baby ball is a lot thicker.
I plan to get my first Ball Python and put him in here but my question is should I fix the small gap where the clip was? Im guessing not, its only 1/4 inch and I know a bay corn could fit through But a baby ball is a lot thicker.